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How to kill myself best

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I was so happy I found this place. I have been so depressed lately over my relationship. Feeling suicidal and confused and couldn't talk about it to anyone. I told him I was posting on a forum. Just needed to talk. Just please let me have this. He wouldn't. He came on and signed up and read everything I wrote. Stuff I just needed to talk to someone about.


I am even more depressed now. My relationship is over. Everyone was right to say I should leave.


Nehow back to suicide. I am going to kill myself I think. I don't have access to a gun. I have attemped b4 and failed. Slashed my wrists and ended up in a mental hospital just.


So I need something that will really work. Will rubbing alchol and about 300 sleeping pills work? I don't want any chance of living this time.


Plz don't tell me it isn't the right way, that I have stuff to live for, because I don't.


I have a horrible relationship, a bad past and an ever declining future. No one I can talk to. I had this but not anymore.


Just tell me how to do it so I can finish this.

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Please, do not kill yourself!

Depression is usually only temporary. I know it feels like things will never get better, that you will never be happy again...but you will.


The love of my life broke up with me 9 mths ago. At the time I felt that my world had caved in, and that i didnt want to live if it meant living without him. I've been there.


Now, although i still miss him...i have become stronger , independent and happy again.


Hurt can give us the most strength


You must get past these dark days, because although you cant see it now, there is a light shining at the end of the tunnel.


I believe we meet every person for a reason, and we learn something from everyperson.



Use this knowledge an empower yourself.


Use this bad energy and turn it around.


Cry until you can cry no more, get all the emotion out


Travel- this is the best thing i have ever done after my breakup - i can't explain how much it helps



Remember to Breathe


Please feel free to message me anytime,


The world is still a beautiful place,,,you too will see that again


x amelie

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I'm sorry, but none of us will tell you how to die. We like you too much to help you do this.


I'm sorry that the ending of your relationship has really hurt you. I know you feel that this pain will never end and that you will do anything to escape this pain. I know this because I have been in your shoes. But I can tell you that it does not last forever. It just feels like it will.


I hope you'll take a little time to read the information located here: link removed.


I also hope you'll talk to me a little more about what happened and hopefully I can help you on a more individual basis. I dont want to see anything happen to you so I hope you'll take me up on my offer of assistance.



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Hey, I know exactly how you are feeling. Sometimes its like things cant get any worse, and you keep looking at it, like there has got to be a way to end this. First off, dont harm yourself or think about harming yourself over a guy... This is a difficult time, and you need to take a deep look inside yourself, look at why you have these feelings and step up and shake it off.... Thats right just shake it off.... Things will get better, look at the positive. Stop dwelling on the negative... Your thoughts are very powerful, and if you keep thinking about the negative stuff then thats what your gonna get.... Start looking at the positive, todays a beautiful day, and work from there. The only person who can help you, is you.... So be be strong girl, and love yourself... There's help out there, and people who are going through or have gone through similiar feelings, who can help.... If you would like, send me an aim on vickirose17 and we'll chat about this, alright..... I hope everything works out for ya... take care...

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I've been in relationships that made me feel like you do. It's only temporary. TRUST ME. Everytime I have felt hopeless I ended up being in a great relationship afterwards. It will happen to you too. No Matter how hopeless your future seems..... it will get better. Even if you don't see a way for it too right now........ IT WILL GET BETTER. When depressed I sometimes just go to sleep. When I wake up I sometimes feel a little better. Sometimes I don't. But at least I'm still here to talk about it. There is so much to life. Don't leave the planet before you can at least experience more of it. One day you will be glad you stuck around.






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What is so sad to me is that it's often the good, sensitive and caring people who think the most about suicide. The very people that could actually make a real difference for the better in our often chaotic and confusing world. Just think of all the people your life has touched and made a difference in, even if you didn't know it. Just think of all the lives you could touch in the future - even just one, and make their life a happier one. What if somewhere down the road you're meant to adopt a little boy or girl and give them a meaningful life? What if somewhere down the road you're meant to rescue a homeless dog or cat that's been abused and needs a loving guardian? Or what if you're meant to go to college and study a subject that has fascinated you forever, and strike up a career that gives you immense fulfillment?


Just think of all the possibilities that could be waiting for you if you believe in yourself and life again. Please give this more thought. We don't want you to go. The world needs you. You just don't see it yet. This darkness will lift. But you must work at it - and the reason you must work at it is you have too much left to do, work undone, people to meet, places to see. My dear, the world is a big, big place beyond your former relationship. There is so much waiting for you.

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Don't do it it is not worth it no matter how bad things seem right now. Please get some help or talk to someone about your problems.



This is the only life we have and to throw it away like that would be a shame. Please seek some professional help sweety there is nothing that is so bad that you cannot fix it. Suicide is not the easy way out it is the cowards way.


You only have one life to live and your going to waste it on something as silly as a lost love. Comon on now there has to be something else that you can do to vent this out. Please seek some professional help because life can be a beautiful thing to just throw it away like that.


Please reconsider this and get some help for your troubles.


Please for Gods sake get help!




Please talk to someone.

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Please listen to these posts. Yes, it is very hard getting over a failed relationship, especially if this is your first true relationship, but it does happen. If you take one day at a time, before you even realize what happened you will wake up one day and noticed that you have put together some really wonderfull days and all this will only be a memory that has taught you how to overcome the obstacles that happen in life, and that is all it is an obstacle. Yes it does hurt but when you do finally come out of the other side you will see that there is something or someone out there that is so much better. You CAN get through this, God gives us strength when we feel weak and when we feel like we can't go on, HE does!!! Please hang in there, it is worth it, trust me!!!!

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Please don't hurt yourself. It will not solve anything. You will suceed in hurting everyone you know, but that is it. A friend of mine killed himself earlier this year and he left such a path of destruction behind him it is unbelievable. He ruined people's lives, and caused all of his friends to go into a dark, dark spiral. Which may sound tempting in your state, but you know what, you won't be there to see it.


I know you feel like no one cares and you have nothing, but you really do. I am not going to tell you that everything is going to be rosey. Cause you know it's not right now. But I promise someday you will feel better. When I was 19 I wanted to die, took some pills, etc. But you know I am really glad I didn't now. I have absolutely horrible days sometimes where I do just want to die, but like someone else said, go to sleep, it is amazing how much better it feels in the morning.


Please, please take care of yourself. Call an anoymous (sp?) hotline in your area. Talk to someone, and they will be able to get you into some low cost/free counseling. Sometimes talking about it with someone who isn't a friend can be helpful.


Sorry for the tough love approach, but I am still stinging from losing my friend. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced.


Let me know if you need anything.


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don't give up now, life has too much to offer that you can't see right now. life sucks sometimes, but i promise, it can be pretty great sometimes. do whatever you have to do to get out of the bad situation you're in. remove yourself from old memories and people, places and things that make you think of the things that hurt you. you are too good for suicide, and please please don't do it. take care and message me if you want. i know you didnt want to hear that, but you need to reconsider, please.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey im not going to bs u. If u want to kill yourself do it. But just think about what u could have been. you will be able to get over this relatioship and all of your other bad ones you just have to set ur mind to it. Suicide is never the answer. You shoud think of all the people who care about u and think of how they would feel. i once also felt as if suicide was the answer,b ut than i got thinking about how other people would feel. Hvae u tried talking to anyone you actually [trust?] Please reply to these messages so we can find out how things are going



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I know that you said you don't want people to tell you not to do it, But DONT. I really do know what you are going through. Not the longest time ago, I was very depressed as you are now. My life was horrible, stressed and well just going down the tube. I was cutting myself every day and I finally got to the point where I did try and "off" myself but obviously it didn't work. I got so angry at myself for being so stupid I couldn't even kill myself. But then my life did turn around with the help of some very important people in my life. They saw what was happening and wouldn't let me take the easy way out of my problems no matter what. And now I know how much better it is to take that long battle and fight for the life that, even though sometimes it may look black will end up better if you just work at it. Life is not an easy thing but nothing great is ever easy.


PLease, take the things everyone has said into consideration. I don't believe anyone here will tell you how a better way to kill youself is. WE don't want to hlep end a life, WE want to help restart it.

If there is anything I can do for support let me know




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