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Help!!!My first attempt to ask a girl out!!!

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Hey guys how are you all doing, here is my problem. Well her name is Christine, she is very beautiful and nice. Now I am so very shy, but I am a tough guy when it comes to fighting and my friends. Now I gave her a note saying that I wanted to be friends and gave her my phone number Hooah!!! Well I was so nervous in my class that I gave her the note at her locker. It says on the note my phone number and if she wants to be friends and talk over the weekend, basically. Well I have never had a girl friend or at least was to afraid to talk to my dream girl lol . Now I'm waiting for her to come home from this school thing to call me.... what do I say on the phone???? How do I get her to talk without her dozing off????!!! I feel very weird and freaked so please help!!!

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Just take a couple of deep breath, cuz it's very obvious for the other person to tell if you're nervous. Gotta play it cool on the outside, even though you're about to wet your pant! Then just casually ask her that you want to get together with her sometimes, perhaps studying together in the library after school or something, just make up some excuses. If she says "ok", then you're in, if she refuses, go to next. I know it's hard to accept the fact that the only attractive girl in the whole world doesn't want to have anything to do with you, but you have to accept the fact that dating, is not about finding your one true love in the world, it's about trying other people for fit, hopefully you'll find the one that you'll be most comfortable with. So go for it!!

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