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This one for the guys to answer?


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Difference b/w guys and girls when they check someone out:


Girls tend to look really quickly up and down b/w the forehead and chest area (something around there, it's such a small area, that's why most men miss this)


Guys will look you up and down, and since that takes longer, you can usually notice it.


Otherwise yeah, the way he looks at you. Smirks especially, look for one end of the lips to be slightly raised.

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Most often when a guy sees a girls he is attracted to he will try to make eye contact and hold it and often will take a stance that displays his size or show what is called "Alpha male status" you can use your discretion to determine what you think this is exactly because everyone has a different view, once you notice this toss him a small smile cause he probably already has done the same. Now this is when people end the eye contact too soon, you need to maintain eye contact till it feels kinda awkward then hold it for 3 more seconds but don't just sit there staring at each other, do something like touch your hair or what ever, if he like what he sees he will come over or you can just go to him.


I hope this helps a bit,

Blue Skies,


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