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so many girls...so little courage

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iam turning 15 soon. i havent had a girl frined or kiss or even talk to girls. i love responding to girls talking to me iam good with that. but if i talk to them iam so scared. i only fear that i get red and hot.

iam 80 pounds. which is skinny. most girls like the big guys. i hate big guys. either way i really used to say not that long ago. awww everybody has somebody out there. i know iam young. but it dosent seem like any girl even wants to talk to me. iam a real positive person. iam really shy so i guess people cant see that. iam funny. i just cant talk to gilrls. i just want someone to talk to from a girls point of veiw. maybe a kiss but thats all. just a friend whos a girl. i think a girl friend would do so much.

it would give me motavation in school. maybe something to do on friday nights. someone to talk to. someone to love. people have told me i have not heart. i dont cry about alot of things. people judge me when they look at this 80 pound 15 year and say hey this kids a wimp. in middle school i got in trouble alot for puching kids. i thought i was doing the geeks a favor. iam not a follower i go by myself. but know its time to get a girlfriend. i dont want to be alone. so if any of you that have a similar story could tell me what i need to do to get my self enough courage and get going. or any thing about being shy around girls

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ok i know what you mean...i was at your stage also...now im 18 and i might no a few things...so you want to have a gf but your a little shy. yes being shy might be a problem to some girls.. but most of the time girls well like you and you wont even know it...and trust me its so true.i had a lot of girls like me and i didnt know it...and i really didnt get a gf tell i was 16...so they way i did that was act myself and talked with some girls got to know them way better and found out who likes me and i got a gf..and sometimes if theres a girl you like and one of your friends knows her really good and have him or her talk to her for you...well thats how we do stuff here in riverside Ca...but try it..like i always wanted someone to love and care for and kick back with on friday nights also...ypu just need to act yourself and be cool with them and try to make friends and maybe you well get lucky and get a gf....so trust me act your self..and just be cool and some girl well fall for you..send me a pm if you need something

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hey, u sound very similar to me there mate. I am very skinny (but got a lot of muscle ) and I used to have a lot of problems with girls. When I was 15 I never talked to girls and always had a problem. I had kissed girls but never got a girlfriend.


I am now 17 and i still have never had a gf, but now it doesnt bother me. I have loads of friends who are girls and even my new best mate whom I am really close to is a girl. I have decided to keep on trying to get a gf and instead just be myself all the time. Although I am very shy I am a very funny person and I know that my humour attracts the girls (as they all tell me) so use ur humour that u have to gain friends and just be yourself.


The fact that u hardly show emotion (like me) is something u need to break. I have only recently started showing my emotions to others and I have let out quite a lot in the last 7 days to close friends. I started with one secret I had to let out which led to loads. I even cried infront of my best mate (who is a girl) and it felt great. She didnt judge me but instead our friendship is stronger.


So, basically, all I can say is just be yourself, stay funny, try and show your emotions to your closest friends and dont try so hard to get a gf. You ARE still young so just enjoy yourself and make friends!

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  • 1 month later...

About being 15, shy, and single. One, you will gain weight and have a growth spurt. Guys grow for a while longer, so smile about that. I personally prefer skinny men over muscle men, so kudos. Two, about being shy, look at all the other threads here, some of them have great advice, and I have used them to start talking to more people in general (not just guys). Three, 15 - you are so lucky. Dude, in retrospect, I am happy nothing happened for me in HS, but there are plenty of people in your shoes. I know guys who didn't have their first kiss until like 18 and they were super hot. Give it time. There others like me who have yet to have a boyfriend.


I am bad at advice, but I hoped this helped a tad bit. Have a good day.

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Hey, 21 here and never had a girlfriend. Also on the skinny side and really shy and quiet. Wish I had a girlfriend but I've realized that love is something that will happen when the times right. Your only 15 and have plenty of time to find love. At that age it seems like being in a realionship is what your suppose to be doing and your a loser if your not. That's not true. Just be yourself and don't worry about finding a girl. If you want to do something try to open up more and talk to people. Maybe join a club for something that interests you. It would give you something to do and introduce you to new people who you have something in common with. Try to get to know them. If your lucky there might be a girl there you can talk to. But don't be in a rush to find a girl just to have a girlfriend. Try be friends and let the relationship come when i will.

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u got nothing to worry about. ur like not even 15. uve got yrs ahead of ya. im 19, never had a gf, never been kissed .. now that is degrading.

i was forced in going to a boys only high school. so by the time i got senior high i had lost all social skills i had found in primary school. this stuffed my social life up like nothing else.


dont worry about your weight. thats nothing, think about it on the bright side .. at least ur not the fat kid. i was heaps skinny at that age too.


just be yourself. do things like u usually would. just be happy and confident.

CONFIDENCE IS KING .. remember that, ur dating future depends on it.


u got nothing to worry about. just ask open ended questions when ur talking to girls (any questions that dont answer with yes/no) it will keep conversations going longer. it also gives u time to think of new questions. just relax and be yourself some girl is bound to fall for ya.

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Im in the same boat, Im 23nxt week and never had a girlfriend either. Suffered self confidence problems all my life and always negative about myself on how some stunning girls at work would wanna be with me.

Ive got one on my mind now


I know its hard people saying your still young, i wish i could turn the clock back and have a complete confident way with girls. I have lots of female friends at work that i find easy to talk with but have never asked a girl out or found one that has been interested in me.


If there was an answer to this problem, i think we would all have posted it

by now


ps if anyone has the magic answer, pass it onto me

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