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it anoys him when i txt him


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so last night my boyfriend of 6months told me that it anoys him when i txt him. i dont txt him constantly if i havent heard from him before i got to bed i usually ask how was your day or what are you upto an tell him i love him an goodnight. Isnt that what you are meant to do when you are in relationship? or is my definition of a relationship way off?? i have never been in a normal one so i cant really tell whats right or wrong. it kinda makes me sad that he doesnt like hearing from me, cause i love getting a txt off him.

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i would be a little hurt but maybe he doesn't like texting? does he get charged for it? does he have a keyboard? is he a really busy person? some people just don't like texting. maybe just call him at the end of the day instead. i think it's only a problem when you go days without talking, or if you are the only one to initiate a conversation.

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He doesn't want to feel obligated to have a convo with you when you ask how his day was or wish him goodnight.


When someone has it bad they want to hear from that person all the time, but that's not the case here.

I'm not saying he doesn't care about you, he's just not head over heels must talk to you 100x a day.


I'm a girl, but personally, I hate texting if the messages are scrambled every hour or so and when I'm busy.

If he's at home in bed and I'm at home in bed I can have a full 2 hour convo because sometimes it's easier to say something via text, but most of the time no.


Stop texting him.

Let him text you or call him.

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Ooooh... I HATE conversations via text. Don't get me wrong... texting has it's uses: "Pick up milk" or "Going to the game now"... but they should be short statements or questions that require 1 or 2 word answers. If you're going to start a conversation "How was your day" - make the phone call. Who wants to text all that???


I'm sure he doesn't hate the "I love you" or "Good night" messages. Those don't require a long, drawn out response. If you actually want a conversation - call.


That's my take on it.

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