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Hello, I just need your input here (especially girls). In today's society, is it really difficult finding virgin girls who are virgin simply because they are shy (like me). That means,deeply religious girls don't count. I mean no offense though


I'm a virgin and the longer I wait,the less likely I am to find a virgin. As many of you already know, I absolutely do not want to lose my virginity to a non-virgin or anyone who is not inexperienced like me. Also,I have never been kissed,so I hope to find that my future partner is the same. I want my first kiss from a person who also gets HER first kiss from me. It would be VERY weird being kissed for the first time by a girl who has been kissed by other boyfriends.


Am I being unreasonable here? I see advice to shy guys "be yourself and believe in yourself". Well that's what I'm doing but so far nothing has turned up. I've never had a g/f except an internet g/f who dumped me and lost her virginity to some guy.


I've never been wished on any b'day by any girl outside my family,so I also want to find a girlfriend soon before I turn 20, before I end up being the only guy in that situation.


ps: I am always open to new friendships so if anyone (male or female) wants to chat please feel free to message me.

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I don't get what's so different between kissing someone who has kissed before and someone who hasn't. Not like the girl would make fun of you because your first kisses are a little awkward, not if she cares about you anyhow. As long as you don't go all out with your tongue or something, I bet you'd do fine anyway.


Same goes with girls who have lost their virginity already. They were perfectly allowed to be in love and make love with whoever they pleased before they met you, and if they care about you, they wouldn't mind your inexperience either. I even know some girls who enjoy teaching guys how to do it right.


I just think that you should've shut your eyes to all the possibilities, the longer you wait for the perfect virgin of your choice, the higher the chance of you ending up being a 40 year old virgin with weird facial hair.

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I see what you're saying and I more or less expected it. *sigh* Never mind me. I guess I was hoping for too much.


But I think I'll opt to be the 40 y.o virgin. It sucks but it's still better than the jealousy and torment I'll get being with a more experienced person. I'd end up making both our lives hell. Yes,I sound like a misogynist here but at least I'm not being hypocritical. I only ask for someone equal to me.


I just cannot help feeling angry at Fate in general. The majority of young teens who lose their virginity do so with similar teenagers. I didn't get the opportunity,now I have the bitter choice of deciding between lifelong loneliness or a lifetime of breakups.

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I think you have a third choice and that is to change your thinking.


I've dated and slept with virgins and was much more experienced, but it was not an issue. Care fro and aboutand hopefully love the person and why would the rest of it matter?

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Sounds to me like you're just crying out for attention. Evne though you think your life is ruined already, I can guarantee that you'll eventually fall in love, whether you want to or not, and then you won't care whether that person's slept with 100 people or no one because they'll make you feel all fuzzy inside.


Besides, you know the saying, "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." I can guarantee to you that it's true.


Don't give up on your love life when it hasn't even started yet.

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