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To break NC or to ignore?

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It's been a little over a month since I started NC, but the thing is, tomorrow is my ex's birthday. I am unsure of whether I should wish him a happy birthday and therefore break NC, or if I should ignore it altogether?

I don't want to come off as childish and bitter, which I am pretty sure he will think.

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  • 1 month later...

If you want your ex to really suffer. Make your life as fulfilling as possible. Then when he gets back in touch, forgive him but don't accept his request to be friends. Then tell him that your friends have never broken your heart and don't expect that from a friend.

People won't learn about value or appreciation until someone like that comes along and draws the line.

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If you want your ex to really suffer. Make your life as fulfilling as possible. Then when he gets back in touch, forgive him but don't accept his request to be friends. Then tell him that your friends have never broken your heart and don't expect that from a friend.

People won't learn about value or appreciation until someone like that comes along and draws the line.


Aw, Maverick, you must be a sweet friend. =]

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Aw, Maverick, you must be a sweet friend. =]


Hun, i'll be honest, but the reason why i developed this attitude is because i was too nice and too available. I never put myself first and always valued others more than myself... The minute i started to value myself, that's when i realised that the people that mistreated me wasn't worth my time. The people that appreciate your time regardless of how giving you are, will never try and take advantage of you. This includes lying and going behind your back and flirting/seeing other people. The people that do aren't worth your time.


If you're a troublemaker, then i don't believe you, cos i can be just as if not worse

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Hun, i'll be honest, but the reason why i developed this attitude is because i was too nice and too available. I never put myself first and always valued others more than myself... The minute i started to value myself, that's when i realised that the people that mistreated me wasn't worth my time. The people that appreciate your time regardless of how giving you are, will never try and take advantage of you. This includes lying and going behind your back and flirting/seeing other people. The people that do aren't worth your time.


If you're a troublemaker, then i don't believe you, cos i can be just as if not worse


That's what I came into realization right after breakup. LOL I stay away from people with really negativity and mistreatment. I'm doing better. Thank God. >_


Don't believe me, huh? ;] How dangerous. I accept the challenge.

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