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Why did my ex unblocked me on facebook?


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Hi. I am confused.


A brief overview: we dated for a few months, then got into out first and seemingly last major fight that was just a really petty issue which went out of hand. She's the type who is silent and won't tell me what's wrong.I tried to talk to her but she just shuts me off.All she says she needs some space, then immediately blocked me on facebook.This is followed by a week of silence.


Anyway I tried to fix things again by going to her house to talk and brought her flowers and even wrote poetry for her(I've never written poetry before!)...She still won't talk to me.So this weekend I told her through sms that I give up, that things are not gonna work out between us if she refuses to compromise or talk about what I did wrong, so I could get a chance to fix it? The day after I texted her, I've noticed that she unblocked me on facebook but didn't send me any message or anything.


I am really done trying to fix things with her,I'm too hurt because both times I've tried, and both time she shut me down. So I believe that this time the ball is on her court now, right? Any thoughts on this? What do I need to do?

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I wouldn't worry about why she did that. People that are hurt do strange things. Just worry about getting yourself to a point where you can be happy again.


Yeah well, getting some sort of closure would've been better...but I guess we don't always get what we want in life,ei. haha. thanks for replying.

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Yeah well, getting some sort of closure would've been better...but I guess we don't always get what we want in life

No... sadly you don't sometimes. Some break ups happen without ANY closure. I had two exes who dropped contact with me and ran. Whatever, their problem and I found someone who appreciates me more


Honestly, she is acting very immature. The fact she can't come out, feel comfortable about handling relationship conflicts, and be honest with you is an immediate red flag. Having space... like a day is understandable, but a week? Come on, she needs to grow up, especially with the crap she's pulling on Facebook . Please move on from this person because she is wasting your time

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It sounds like you did a really great thing for you and gave yourself closure with that message. You let her know you tried and that you weren't going to take her nonsense. You told her you were moving forward. I suspect she wanted that confirmation it was over before opening up the possibility of further communication. Sounds like she just may want to be friends.

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