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getting in good with the boss

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fact of the matter is the buddy system gets you further in life. it's a proven fact that it is better to be sexually attractive in the office and mediocre than a great but ugly worker.

this makes me feel so hopeless. i am not the life of party friendly person to be around. when i try to fit in at work i get rejected .

its not just like im saying people get what they have cuz they put out. i just dont know how to be that sociable person that gets where they need to be.

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I am anti-social, fat, grumpy, sarcastic, and, at this point, middle aged.


Yet every job I have had, I have been very competent at what I did and, as a matter of fact, networked my way into every job I have ever gotten.


It's not about being cute and kissing butt (because frankly, I've never been very good at being cute or kissing butt)....it's about being a decent human being and forging decent relationships with other people. I don't have a huge network by any stretch of the imagination, but the connections I've made have been with solid, reliable people who genuinely LIKE me (although it often escapes me *why*, exactly) and who have been more than willing to help me when I've needed it.


But, hey, if you'd rather believe what you posted, go right ahead.


Lemme know how that works out for you down the road.

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I run a large pub / restaurant as well as overseeing 2 nightclubs at the moment, and i agree with what your saying happens, but it never lasts.

i see the same cycle happen with staff & my duty managers / supervisors all the time =


1. pretty girl gets flirty & sociable with the boss while doing everything he asks.

2. Boss gets on well with her & lets her do what ever she wants

3. she takes it to far & upsets the boss ( last week 1 girl told her manager "il be back in 5 mins, walked out the door, went for a 15 min drive, came back like she'd done nothing wrong. )

4. then they get what they deserve ( fired / demoted ect. )


If you want solid advise, work hard, and make the person above you obsolete. when it comes to getting on with your boss = Respect them, do as they ask, and make sure you do the job well. you will quickly become the "go to girl" they can rely on, and appreciation of hard work goes alot further then anything else in any trade.

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I have always been cute, sociable, outgoing, and excellent at my job. I have always had jobs where I moved up the ladder on a regular basis. Why? Cute? Outgoing? Great at my job? Who knows? I think you should have more than a little bit of each. I would say the most important would be being good at your job.

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