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I've posted on here a few times on such topics of suicide, depression, and cutting. Well, I talk with my boyfriend about all of them, because he is the only one i am comforatable talking about it with. But even as we discuss it, it still feels like I'm only letting out a fraction, and no matter how hard i try to explain it, it never feels like everything comes out. It just feels like there is a big black chunk of sadness in me. I want to be able to open up and talk with him and just get everything out once and for all. Got any ideas?

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Well if your still in school which you probably would be, you could try talking to a guidance counselor. Theyre more used to hearing these kinds of things and could probably explain techniques to help you get out all that you want. Also other counselors could help with more ways to help you. Talkin to your BF that you trust is a good idea, but you need someone that can totally understand what your saying and what your going through. If you can find someone that understands you to the extent you want them to then you'll be set.

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