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NOTHING gets resolved....


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I think it's simply an unwritten relationship that you do not establish and/or maintain a friendship with someone who likes you when you are in a relationship. Of course it's often necessary to be friendly to co-workers but being friendly and having a friendship where you go to lunch and offer the other person rides home are entirely different things. It sounds like you have reached a stalemate. I don't think you are wrong in this but if he is unwilling to budge you have to decide whether or not you can live with this.


See... the biggest thing for me isn't so much that he has a friendship with this woman...it was that he wasn't honest about it from the beginning. She hasn't come up into conversations and he's shown me his email a couple times and there haven't been any to or from her since our last big blow up fight. I think I am in the clear from this woman from the deeper level. I just always could see that she had a thing for him and it was so frustrating that he refused to see (or if he did see then admit) that she was into him as more than just a friend.

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