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My best friend is a guy. Lets call him.... Petrey. Petrey has always had problems with relashionships.... he always breaks up with a girl in about a week or so because of really really dumb reasons... almost made-up reasons. Also, he has very very few guy friends ( i can't name any off the top of my head). It also disgusts him to see me hug/hold hands with/kiss my bf. He has only held hands with a girl once, and it freaked him out. He doesn't really believe in touching at all (hugging and stuff). He's a clean freak and can't even sleep in his own bed unless the bottom corners are perfectly at the end. then he slides under and sleeps on his back, the blanket perfectly draped over him...that's just one example of how perfect everything must be for him!!! He is constantly trying to talk me out of being in love. if i think that i am, naturally i tell him. he's my best friend. then he will argue with me and be like " it's imposable at our age to be in love. you don't know what u are talking about" He's so perfect it drives me insane!!!! a lot of my friends think that he is gay and just doesn't know it. or he just won't come out of the closet? what do u guys think? give me some comments!!!




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If your profile is correct and you are 14 and so is this "Petrey" than I think it is definitely too early to tell whether or not he's a homosexual. Teenaged years are the experience years, so only time will tell his sexual preference. As for the whole bed thing, I don't see how that fits in with him might being gay, perhaps he has a case of obsessive compulsive disorder, or he just may be a regular perfectionist.

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As for the whole bed thing, I don't see how that fits in with him might being gay, perhaps he has a case of obsessive compulsive disorder, or he just may be a regular perfectionist.


i know, i just put that in there to give u a better view of his personality

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Id say that you should test him somehow but try not to let him know it. Ask him what he phisically likes about girls or when he thinks he will lose his virginity or something like that. Im sure you could come up with something

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Maybe he has a thing for you. It disgusts him when he see's you holding hands and hugging other guys he might be jealous of that. And he is always trying to talk you out of love. Maybe he doesn't want you with other guys because he wants you? Is he shy? because that may have something to do with it also. This guy doesn't really sound gay to me

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lots of people have thought that, but the thing is, we've been best friends for going on five years. He's like my big bro. Once, i even openly asked him if he liked me, when i was single. he said no. he's always told everyone else when he likes them, so i can't see that bein it... am i just bein blind?




love from,


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This guy obviously likes you and wants to be with you, however he seems to be having a hard time deciding from your frienship or a deeper relationship.


We guys are D-U-M-B, maybe even dumber than plain dumb...


He may like you SO MUCH he is afraid of telling you anything and getting rejected or ruin the friendship.


It is easy for us to date someone we don't care about, but when there is this girl we want...


Its like if our brain turned off everytime we saw her...

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