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I trust him, but not his friend...need advice bad!!!!


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My LDR ended up goiing to a party. He had a glass in a half of wine and about 2 beers. He told me that the cops were bad in the area where he was at. He went to a member of the tennis facility home to stay the night. He told me he would sleep on the couch. I told him to stay since i would rather have him go home safe in the morning then something to happen.


The only reason why I am asking for advise is. The friend/member has said some prrty sexual thing to him when she was drunk. Manly in a text. He told her that he loved me and would never think of cheating. He told me that we had worked to hard for this relationship for either of us to cheat. i have met this person only once. When I visited him. She had been in a LDR, but it ened up not working out.


We have been together almost 7 months and 2 of them together before he left. Our love for one another has grown. We hae not even had sex since we are both saving that for each other on our wedding night. We are not virgins....(If you need more info on him let me know)


I am only asking this casue I am a little worried. I trust him, but not her.

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You do realize that if you trust your man, she is irrelevant.

Part of saying you trust someone, is trusting that they make the right choices, and don't put themselves in positions where things may happen. So if you really trust him, it won't matter what she does or says, because he would behave correctly, appropriately and make the right choices in this situation and not put himself in any sort of position where anything could happen, or she could try.


So if you trust him, trust that he will behave right and make smart choices. She can try and do whatever she wants, but if your man is committed to you, and you trust him, it won't matter. It won't go anwyeher and nothing will happen.

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Thanks. I love it which is how I treated it. he did make the right choice, even though she did do something that was completely uncalled for. He as asleep on the couch and she came into the living room and layed beside him. He did put his arm around her, but realized that it was about 4-5 in the morning and I was asleep and he was doing this. He took his arm off of her and said, "I can't do this. I love Emily to much. This is not good for her. She trusts me to make the right choice and I am letting her down. Deanna I hate to say this, but I feel we should not hang out anymore".


He went on to say that he should have gone home, but I told him that I would have rather had him drive home safe then to have something happen.


We have been together for almost 7 months and lossing him would be very hard.

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