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Can anyone recommend a conflict resolution course?


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It occurred to me today that a lot of issues in relationships come about because neither person is good at communicating, especially when emotions run high. I want to be proactive and learn how to "fight correctly", for lack of a better term. My boyfriend agrees that this would be a good step for us. Not that we fight, really, but if we ever have a major altercation . . .


Anyway, looked on the web and only found business-related courses. Any ideas?

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Yes, I actually read an article about this once, "How to fight right" or something.

Now, I am NO expert but there are some things you want to remember, these things work for me and my boyfriend.


-Never yell or raise your voice, remain calm.. it's proven that if one person raises their voice the other will too, it's a defense mechanism.

(This I learned from work, I used to have to deal with very angry people, if you find that he/she is getting angry and raising their voice, you can calm them down by remaining calm and they will eventually try to match your body-language and tone.

-Use eye contact to show you are sincere in what you are saying and to also get your point accross,

-Start each sentence.. "I feel like.."

-Never use accusatory language such as "You never...or..I am not the one who.."

-Be willing to compromise, as in every relationship you cannot always have everything your way.


The best way to do this is to be basically "mature" about it and try to resolve your conflicts like adults without the screaming, yelling, crying, and throwing of random stuff you find near you.


Good Luck Hope this helps.

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