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My Two Month Journey


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I am recently married, and things are great so far. But yesterday, I had a wake-up call. I had a tough morning and my husband was (understandably) frustrated with me. But instead of getting angry, he cleaned the room he knew I wanted cleaned up and left me a perfect lunch with a nice note. It meant the world to me.


So I decided to return the favor, so to say. Starting tomorrow, for the next two months, I will go out of my way to do something nice for him (with no expectation of payback) each and every day. Some days it will be something larger, some days something smaller, but it will happen every day.


This journal is to keep me accountable. I will post here every day with the deed I performed and an evaluation of the deed. I've got the best husband in the world, so I just want to make it a habit of showing him how much I appreciate him!

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Okay, well, a quick update. When I got home from work this morning, I thought my husband would be home, so I parked in our apartment's one designated spot and came inside. When I saw he wasn't, I thought to myself, "If I had known he was already gone, I would have left the closer, assigned parking spot for him." After posting this thread, I realized that the whole point of this journey is to go out of my way to do little things for him, so I walked right back outside and moved my car so he could have the better spot.


Tomorrow is my first official day of this challenge, but that was good practice.

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Well, today was the first official day of this challenge, and I decided to make my husband breakfast in bed. I was going to make it a surprise, but I spilled the beans to him last night. He's a morning person, and I didn't want to force eggs down his throat when he'd rather be sleeping. When I told him, though, he thought it was really sweet. So I made him eggs, toast, and cereal this morning. He was so cute eating breakfast half-asleep.


I think I might start running out of ideas before the two months is up... so anyone with good ideas is welcome to post them!

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I'm doing the massage thing today. B loves massages, but I am a massage wuss so he doesn't get them as much as he likes. Today, I've been taking every opportunity I can to give him a quick foot/back/shoulder massage. I'll probably give him a nice massage after he gets back from work today.


Today he kept asking why I was being so lovey... I kept kissing him and cuddling with him and being a girl. He didn't mean it in a bad way at all. I don't really know why I've been so lovey and happy to see him lately. I wonder if constantly thinking about things I can do to help him is the cause. It's nice because I started this thing with no hidden motives. I don't want to change him or coerce him into anything through random acts of kindness. I just want to work on myself. So there's no frustration if he doesn't notice and no worry about not doing things well enough. It's just a pressure-free way to show the best guy in the world that I love him.


I'm probably going to use both the post-it note idea and a modified version of the date night. Because we are currently dirt poor, I'm going to surprise him with a nice candlelit dinner one day after work... perhaps a dish out of one of my new cookbooks that he hasn't ever tried...

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Today I got up early and posted some sticky notes around the apartment that he'd find on his way out. I'm definitely the person that's more into notes and lovey-dovey stuff, but I think he appreciated it. It can be kind of hard to think of simple favors to do for him that I don't already do because, due to my lack of a full-time job and his busy school and work schedule, the housework and cooking are my responsibilities, not gifts to him. I think one of these days I'll make him biscuits and gravy... it's his favorite and something like that would definitely be a stretch for my measly cooking skills.

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I have been bad about updating this but good about actually doing nice things!



This is small and silly, but I used the towel farther away from the shower so he wouldn't have to hop out to grab a dry one.



He had to move his clothes over to another dresser, so I just took five minutes out of my day to do that little chore for him.



I made him a nice grilled chicken breast for when he got done with work. Usually I just make him a sandwich or something, but I thought ahead and had time to defrost some chicken.



I made him a smoothie today, even though it was late and I wanted to clean the house for when my mom came over the next day.

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