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why do girls cum?


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I assume your talking about an orgasm, and why they have one, well if you look at nature, all it wants is for the species to prosper, so if sex feels good, then guess what? people will do it more and have more babies.


Some women even ejaculate, (squirters) its normal, but rare.


Scientist have reasoned that, humans enjoy sex outside of procreation in order to keep men and woman together, look at animals, they have to all fight for top position for the rights to mate, once the Alpha male is chosen, then he impregnates the females, after that, he is basically out of the picture until next mating season.


Baby humans need more care, so nature needs a way to keep the "father" in the picture, and by making sex enjoyable all the time, and having females that dont have to be in heat to enjoy sex, kinda solves that problem, by caring for their females and their children they are insured a future female that they donthave to fight for (again?) and sex whenever they want.


Its a lot more complicated than what I described, but you get the picture.


Frankly I do not care why women have orgasms, Im glad they do, I enjoy theirs almost as much as I enjoy mine.

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Another thing to keep in mind, is that inside the womb, or the uterus, we are all basically a lump of clay, until the hormones turn us into boys or girls.

So girls orgasm, because boys do--it is the same with male nipples, women use them to give milk to the babies, but what do men do with their nipples?


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Here is a link that is interesting to read. Look toward the bottom to find out more about orgasm.


It also releases endorphines which make us feel better more relaxed and calm. I hear that the more orgasms a person has the younger and healthier they appear and I tend to feel that this is true!

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  • 7 years later...

I think he meant why do women have female egaculation, not that their body is twittching with chemical pleasure. Another question is where does this fluid come from. in males we now that sperm come from the tisticals and that the semun is made from glands at the along the toobs that connect the tisticals to the prostate and the unrary tract.

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I think it would also feel pointless for the male and end up being more of a job to have a baby rather than sexual fulfillment as part of it comes from knowing you are able to give your partner an orgasm and make them feel good.


I mean I don't really want to have a child, but if it happens so be it which is why the part of pleasuring a partner is more of an interest rather than the actual function of the sexual act.

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i hope this isnt too strange, but why do girls cum? guys have a good reason to cum(sperm for babies) but why do girls do it?

If you're looking for a biological reason that I'm assuming you are because you say guys cum to produce sperm for babies - then in that case girls cum because the explosion of sensual feelings experienced whilst having an orgasm makes the sperm travel quickly to her eggs so that a baby can be made.

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