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did I show too much online "ettiquette"?


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I have a long distance friend whom I usually chat to during the weekends. Last night I had to go out, but left my computer on and accidentally left the chat program on as well.


When I got back home, I saw that my friend signed on and said, "hello". She must have waited there for a while, but then she signed out without saying good bye.


Long story short, she must have thought that I was purposely snubbing her because she updated her status on her website talking about "bitter" people lol.


(I had been upset about something last week, but it wasn't towards her, but I think she took it like I was not speaking to her.)


So I sent her this email:



Hey bud -


I saw you were on earlier - i'm sorry, I forgot to turn off the yahoo before I went out! I was going to stay home tnite, but when i returned from picking up a sandwich, I got an invite from friends to go see fireworks.


Come and see the videos I posted up from today, i think you'll like them


I hope you're feelign well otherwise







She didn't respond to that email at all, so now I'm wondering if I made a mistake trying to be too nice.


Would you guys take the above email in a way that implies I'm being too nice and like a pushover? I probably shouldn't have sent her anything. If it were me, I would respond considering that we've been friends a while.

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