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I have a problem. I can't trust anybody. I'm always thinking that someone is talking about me behind my back, I'm going to get cheated on, or I'm going to get stabbed in the back. I'm just the kind of person that sees the glass as half empty. I always look on the bad side of things and always expect the worst out of people. I don't trust my boyfriend of a year and 1/2. He hasn't done anything for me to suspect that he isn't trustworthy, i just don't trust him. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to be normal. I'm just sick of always looking over my shoulder or getting hurt when no one hasn't even done anything to me. I just want to be happy again.

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well...that is a touchy subject and i tend to be the same way most of the time...it's like i just can't see the good & positive in life... i always have to concentrate on the bad. i would say you need to try to chill, take a step back and ask yourself...is it really worth it to get all worked up like this...how is it making the people around me act or think of me kind of thing. good luck, i personally know it's hard

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I hear you loud and clear, I am the same exact way. Let me tell you, I know what it feels like to not trust and it really hurts both parties invoved. I am in a 1and half year relationship with my girl and have yet to trust her. It has caused many a fight, it is just an overactive defense mechanism, you want to think the worst so when it does happen you won't be surprised, right?? I have tried and tried to trust but it is hard. I will start trusting and than something will happen that makes me wonder and bam!!! it starts all over again. In my opinion there are only a few things that can help. 1. get professional help 2. Be alone so you have no one to worry about 3. Find someone who is willing to put up with it and maybe it will go away. Whatever you do please know you are not alone, I understand what you are dealing with. I hope I helped a little bit, good luck!!

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i know exactly how you feel, trusting people i think is one of the hardest things to do in life. because when you trust someone its like you are putting all of you out there, and i always think someone is out to get me and if i do trust anyone they will just screw me over. so i agree that professional help may work. because me and my bf had an argument about me being so negative and always seeing the bad in things and never the good. and i found out a lot of people see me like that and i know i'm like that...so i am getting help. but i think we all just need to TRY and relax best we can. I understand completely...good luck with everything

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Damn, add me to that shake hehe. I dont only not trust people but i am a very very jelaous person. I wish i could tell you what to do, but i saw this topic and i came here to see if someone had better advice, but let me see, when you start thinking about stupid things, and making little storied in your head, just stop and think about something else immediately. The more you feed ur problem the bigger it becomes, like, i need to know always exaclty whre my boyfriend is, who he is with, what he doing, if hes seen any hot chicks during his day and stuff, well, just try to think about urself, the only thing is be careful with your money, because after they screw you up with money it sucks, and you lose firends and stuff, im sorry im no help, but i need some help in this area too, BIG HELP, hehe good luck.

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