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Everything posted by honeygirl24

  1. PS-- Why don't his parents like you? they don't like me because he is muslim and i'm not. i guess they don't agree with interracial relationships, especially for there son. and thanks for all your advice, it was great and i will really take it to heart.
  2. Well me(19) and my boyfriend(21) of 3 years lived together for about 6monthes last year. but he had to move home due to some family and finicial problems. everything is going good now, he got rid of his finicial burden and sorted out all his family issues. he has been making pretty good money and has been saving it, but he is always talking about buying new tvs and a new car. it upsets me a little bit because he rather buy those things, then get his own place. i mean i've been on my own since i was 17 so i have never been in the same situation, but seems like he isn't ready to move on to something bigger.
  3. its not that i don't have friends, its i don't have many friends where we live now because we just moved to this town. so i feel lonely all the time and i've been very busy.
  4. Well this is a semi-long story, so please everyone bare with me. Me(19) and my boyfriend(21) of 2 and 1/2 years have been living together for the past 6monthes, we've had our ups and downs. lately things have been looking up for us, we even didn't fight for a week which is a big accomplishment for us. Anyone his parents don't agree with us living or being together because he is muslim and i'm not, so we have been keeping it a secret and just sneeking around. well anyway his parents have been hassling him about school, moving out, and all that so he has been pretty depressed and has had a lot of pressure on him. so i've been doing my best to comfort him. but today was a big blow up, they keep bugging him to move back home and all this stuff. so i guess he went over there and has decided to move. i mean i kind of understand why he has to do it, and i've tried to be strong about it. but i know once he moves i won't see him very often, i mean i might see him every weekend which is fine but i don't have very many friends and no family. and i know i will be extremely sad/depressed when he leaves, and don't know what i will do. i just need some advice on how to deal with this. because i hurt so badly and i'm very confused. thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions.
  5. i know exactly how you feel, trusting people i think is one of the hardest things to do in life. because when you trust someone its like you are putting all of you out there, and i always think someone is out to get me and if i do trust anyone they will just screw me over. so i agree that professional help may work. because me and my bf had an argument about me being so negative and always seeing the bad in things and never the good. and i found out a lot of people see me like that and i know i'm like that...so i am getting help. but i think we all just need to TRY and relax best we can. I understand completely...good luck with everything
  6. thanks lillady i appreciate your advice and i will truly take it to heart. because i do love him a lot and want to be with him. so i am just hoping his family will understand one day.
  7. Me and my bf have been going out for 2+ years and things have been going great. And I was faced with a delima, because my grandmother who i was living with was moving and I would have no where to live, so me and my bf decided to move in together. We have only been living together for a month or so and he has to move out. Because he is muslim (and i'm not) and his parents don't like me as it is because i'm not and they were saying they were going to deown him and stuff like that. and he had a choice to made....and i wouldn't let him choose me because i can't have the fact if he loses his family its my fault, i know i wouldn't be able to deal with that. But now that his parents won and got what they wanted....i feel kind of selfish because i don't want him to leave. i just don't know what to do or how to feel. and now that he's moved back home his parents don't want him see me (he is 21, i'm 18 ) so he has to sneak to see me. any advice would be great appreciated...
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