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feeling this way.


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Why is it that everytime you think things are going to get better, they never do. It's like, you have plans to get certain things situated and then all of a sudden, something turns out wrong!


It's been this way for the past two months. I feel like my life is falling apart.

Has anyone ever felt this way?

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Yes! But somebody once said to me and I believe it to be true "a breakthrough always follows a breakdown"...


It's like ( without meaning to sound vulgar ) when you're in a toilet, for a long time you're just in there and you don't notice and you become accustomed to the stench in the room - but then, when you realise how sh***y it actually is, you can make the changes to put it right...like you have to see how crap it is and become so fed up of it to make the changes...


When everything goes wrong, I think it's for a reason and it all leads you back on to the right path...when you're stumbling around, you find, afterwards, eventually things all fall into place or at least that has been my experience...Eclipse x

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Yes! But somebody once said to me and I believe it to be true "a breakthrough always follows a breakdown"...


It's like ( without meaning to sound vulgar ) when you're in a toilet, for a long time you're just in there and you don't notice and you become accustomed to the stench in the room - but then, when you realise how sh***y it actually is, you can make the changes to put it right...like you have to see how crap it is and become so fed up of it to make the changes...


When everything goes wrong, I think it's for a reason and it all leads you back on to the right path...when you're stumbling around, you find, afterwards, eventually things all fall into place or at least that has been my experience...Eclipse x


True. I think sometimes it's a sign to change things. For instance I was pursuing a job in a field I used to work in over 8 years ago. I have been getting little responses so I switched to the field I last worked in (less competitive) and am getting more responses.

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Why is it that everytime you think things are going to get better, they never do. It's like, you have plans to get certain things situated and then all of a sudden, something turns out wrong!


Oh, yeah! I got used to the notion that if something is going too well, I'm headed for a crash..... the better things are, the worse it's going to feel. I'm now afraid of any good things happening, because I know they'll turn out bad. How ironic.

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My mother says that sometimes bad things happen to teach us a lesson about next time. Possible? I think so. For instance in various dating situations I learned how to deal for next time, jobwise too. Maybe I am on pause so I can appreciate my next job. Maybe the reason I am on pause about the guy I want is for me to slow down (I have a tendency to rush relationships). Of course it could be something different but at least things could get better.

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My mother says that sometimes bad things happen to teach us a lesson about next time. Possible? I think so. For instance in various dating situations I learned how to deal for next time, job wise too. Maybe I am on pause so I can appreciate my next job. Maybe the reason I am on pause about the guy I want is for me to slow down (I have a tendency to rush relationships). Of course it could be something different but at least things could get better.


Yeah, I actually agree with all of this. I am currently still going through grief about my Father's death that occurred 2 and a half months ago. He took care of me and now I am left to all of my own care. It's hard. I am having car trouble (both paying for it and it having problems.) My cell is cut off, I sleep on my sisters couch and the only job I could land is mcdonalds and even though I have my sister and she loves me, I wish I had that solid rock in my life. A man, a friend. Someone that loves me and is always there for me. I know that things could be worse, but it's bad enough right now for me to always want to call out of work and overeat and have trouble falling asleep and the trouble waking up.


I shouldn't complain, but I lost my Father in an instance. It was so sudden and I was so unprepared. Unlike, my Mother's death from cancer when I was 12 years old, I could not prepare myself. I dream about him every week. It's crazy.


My managers at mcdonalds have already tried to fire me for being slow. They don't really like me.


It's hard.

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