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Supposed "big issue" to him, but I am not so sure?


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My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. Lately we have had some pretty good drag out yelling matches, me telling him we don't communicate, him disrespecting me by ignoring me, things aren't the same, the usual relationship issues. Hetells me that the reason things are different between us is because he never comes over to my house and I never invite him to things. I am guilty of this. Yet, for the past three months I have invited him to everything that I have done and invited him over to my house on numerous occasions. When I tell him this he defends himself with, "it should of been this way from the beginning". I agree, but I am trying to make things work. Am I wrong for being frustrated? I feel he is giving me excuses for bad behavior. If it was really that important to him, wouldn't he follow through with any of the requests?

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Miserable people say lots of miserable things. It's up to you whether you want to believe him or not. I'd stop arguing with him, tell him he can have it his way, without you, and walk off to start creating a better future for yourself. Sure it will be lonely for a while, but when you stop focusing on wasting your time with someone who's just wasting your time, you can start to get creative about finding things to do that inspire you. Take baby steps, grieve what was, and start putting one foot in front of the other until you get to where YOU want to be.


"When one door closes, another opens." (I don't know who said that, it's just true...)

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He called a while ago, I assume to come over, after he had drinks with his friends. I just told him I wish he would of called to let me know, and I wouldn't of gone to bed. I wasn't going to have him come over after he had been out and didn't let me know where he had been. He said "another night" and sure, I agreed, but I find myself getting more and more irritated at the fact that we have had some major relationship issues over this particular issue, and when I try to fix it, it seems to not be that important to him.

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Well I agree with you, he can't just keep saying things like "It should have been that way from the beginning." You obviously had some faults, and you are actively trying to fix them. He can accept that, say the past is the past, and move forward with you, or else it seems like a lost cause.

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