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Ok I'm probably reading this all totally wrong or thinking into to much but anyways there is this girl I work with that I think really likes me but I'm unsure.


Reasons I think she likes me.

She has told me she really enjoys talking with me

She has a nickname for me that she seems to use to try and cheer me up or make me smile

She smiles at me alot and laughts around me alot

She messes with my hair every once in a while

She has told me that if I ever need to vent or if I have a question about anything I can call or text her anytime.

Once or twice she has made a sexually related joke about the two of us

She says I'm the nicest and sweetest person she knows

This last one I'm not sure if this means anything but when our school had it's prom she asked if I wanted to go with her and her group she said she wanted someone along that she liked talking to.

That's all I can think of right know any opinions on if she likes me as a friend or something more would be greatly appreciated. Any questions go ahead and ask

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Ya I feel pretty bad about it but I quess I'll just have to keep looking for someone and ur right the signals I thought meant she liked me to but I asked her and I got a speech about how she only sees me as a friend


I'm going to chime in here and tell you that as a woman if I were doing all the things she was doing, and I would be fairly bubbly and outgoing around people, that it would be a definite sign that I liked you as more than a friend.

Please don't let her misleading signals put you off approaching other women in the future because, in my opinion, she sounds like she's just young and may have been enjoying the attention without having the maturity to realise that she was leading you on.

Kudos for you for asking her out; it's never easy for anyone and I'm only sorry that you didn't get the response that you wished for.

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Ok now I'm really confused she still acting and doing the same things. I mean I know she said she just wants to be friends but why still act this way ? I mean should I just ignore it and enjoy her company as a friend or what ? She's really got me confused

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I can handle just being friends with her I mean I still really like her but I probably won't ever trying being anything more with her. I just figured she would start acting differently around me since she found out I like her. I quess this just means she is a truly wonderful friend. Besides just because I still like her and got rejected by her I'm not gonna start acting weird or treat our friendship any differently.

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