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Has someone ever tried out something from Leil Lowndes books (How to Make Anyone Fall in Love etc.)?


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Never heard of her. But I've never used those "types" of books for reconciliation purposes. I just think it's all a bunch of games to try to come up with strategies and ways to analyze whether or not you'll able to reconcile.

Sometimes the BEST way to reconcile is simply doing NC and working on yourself. If the person wants you back, no amount of strategies and silly tactics will stop them.


Good luck.

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i personally like the book " why men love b-i-t-c-h-e-s". it is not to get ex back, it taught me how to not make mistakes that we make. it makes me see that i am jumping thru hoops without knowing it myself. i love this book. i don't have any man now, but it is by choice.

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Leil has a great range of resources for personal develop. I have greatly benefited from her 'conversation confidence' and other products. As far as her, or anyone elses dating/romantic material goes, due to the infinite variables that are present in human lives, there is no set rule that guarantees a recon.

Other than that, leil's stuff is pretty cool.

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Anything you do that is in any of the books you read, is ultimately about getting you better and to a better place. If you do things just to get someone back and they come back and you fall back into the old patterns, they would end up feeling duped. Just work on yourself. If you use the things in any of these materials that helps you become a better, more confident person and helps your self esteem and insecurities, and if this was something that contributed to the relationship breakdown (let's not forget it takes two and they aren't perfect either) than perhaps they will see the changes and feel the attraction for you again. But as Catfeeder mentions, you need to also let time pass where you both can't remember what it was that came between the two of you in the first place for risk of the past clouding their perception/judgment to be mitigated.

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An ex already has preconceived prejudices about you. The only effective way to combat those is to go away and allow the ex to let go of those ideas over time--and without any contact from you.


But as Catfeeder mentions, you need to also let time pass where you both can't remember what it was that came between the two of you in the first place for risk of the past clouding their perception/judgment to be mitigated.


11 months is hopefully going to be enough I am currently starting 5. month of NIC...

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  • 4 years later...

All I have to say about Leil Lowndes is that she is an incredibly intelligent lady! Her stuff works when applied genuinely and in the right way! I haven't seen any work on getting exes back but I think you'd actually benefit from her book "How to Respark & Keep Chemistry in Your Relationship Forever".

My story:

In 2008/9 I broke up with a bf and with all my friends in relationships I reached out to a girl at work to head out with me. I didn't know her well at the time and it was a surprise to me when we went out and invited me places that she was actually a big socialite & friends with many of the other big socialites in the city. The girl had charisma.

Me on the other hand, had never experienced socialising in this way, I was always shy and always felt invisible when we would see these big personalities out and about.

We had a big night out and we stayed in one of her friends penthouses. It was yet another night where I felt a tad invisible. On this persons bookshelf was Leil Lowndes book "how to talk to anyone about anything". I read a good deal of the book, found it easy to read and extremely interesting, so I made a note to buy a copy for myself.


I read the whole thing within a week, and tried bits and pieces of the suggestions. It wasn't until about 2 months later, something interesting happened - I would find myself naturally implementing a majority of the techniques as if by second nature, and it wasn't long before I was comfortable, flowing, and no longer feeling invisible! It was a great feeling to have the respect and friendship of so many new and exciting people. Every outing was practice of my new found skills and the ease of coming out of my personality.


With the great success of implementing HTTTAAA, As I was always in the presence of attractive men at these social events, I looked for any books Leil had written on picking up amazing guys. I felt like these guys always wanted the girls who looked like models. I wasn't unattractive, but just not model material. So I found How to make anyone fall in love with you. I knew her tactics would work so decided to try them out the next time I found myself in the presence of someone I was really attracted to. I scouted a guy at the bar who I thought was incredibly attractive, and decided to use what is learned through HTMAFILWY. It was the most forward I had ever been with any guy, like ever. But THEY WORKED. His best friend told me he hadn't heard him talk about another girl the way he did about me, and was wondering what I had done to him. The only problem was, after a few dates I found him not so attractive... He had an arrogance that turned me off a lot! As soon as my attraction to him fell, we both lost feelings and fizzled.


I'm big on being genuine and from the heart - the books just show you how to communicate it in the right way. You could use the tactics on people for the sake of it - but why would you? Use them for the right reasons and they will treat you well.


I just listened to "how to respark the chemistry" as I just broke up with a bf as well. It doesn't mention anything about reconciling with exes but it DOES give you awesome considerations as to whether the person you want to be with is really the best person for you! I highly recommend it for your situation


I hope that helps and I just had to share how great Leil is - she really knows her stuff!



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