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My ex-girlfriend and I were in a very serious relationship for four years.


It's been six months since she broke up with me. She got a boyfriend three months after the break up, and though it killed me at first (mistakenly I made her aware of it) I've moved on slowly but surely since through No Contact. Once or twice since I started No Contact she's contacted me because she doesn't want me to disappear from her life, and even if my emotions for her return, I'm very short and realistic with her.


On a day-to-day basis I'm doing fine, I'm single, I'm living life for me now. In fact, I've come to realize the things she held me back from and I've become a better person. I've made a lot of new friends and those who used to know me like me better now than then. I don't see her, she doesn't see me. Sometimes I hear of her. But I shrug. She's a ghost to me now.



But some nights I lie in bed, close my eyes, and drift into sleep.


I rarely dream, but often when I do...



I dream of her.




I don't dream of complex stories, nor can I explain what happens in my dreams in a linear fashion. When I awake, I usually carry with me the emotions I felt in the dream. I remember images.



Sometimes I awake and think, I saw her... She was in my dream, as if she were only a passerby that caught my attention, and yet the rest of the dream becomes insignificant.


Other times, I dream of her romantically. In the dream, we'd be in love again like we used to be... I can go the whole day without thinking of her and yet at night, my brain recalls something it once knew, something it was once so familiar with that it's only natural it would dream it.


When my eyes open, I feel the emotions carry over from the dream. And then I look around my room. It's morning. I'm alone in my bed. What just happened? She's not with me. I'm not with her. Actually, she's with someone else right now. You're stupid for having feelings for her. And yet the emotions I experience feel real before I'm conscious enough to dismiss them. It used to make me sick, now it just makes me sad. Partly because it's gone, but mostly because it's unfair for this to be happening to me. I can expect this to happen once or twice a week.



I'm posting this because I want to know if this is natural. I just want to hear everyone's thoughts who are interested in what I'm going through or have gone through it, too.

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