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What's the deal? Do men only wanna date me for my big boobs?


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I am volumptuous with large breasts. I have no trouble attracting men or getting dates. However, sometimes I feel men only want to have sex with me and that's all they are after. A lot of the guys in my area are just not what I'm looking for. They are either jobless or just not very intelligent (not trying to be rude) or if they are smart and funny then they think they are better than everyone else. And when I do meet someone I like sometimes I feel he's just after 1 thing. Why is that? Do men only want me b/c of my large boobs? Where is a smart, fun guy with a good sense of humor who will like me for me? I guess I'm just ranting, but it can be kind of discouraging in the dating world...

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Well I just got boobs 36D and I love the attention. I feel guys are after me for my boobs at times but I kinda use it as a way from them to stay interested and take me out to get to know me. I want them to spend time with me so we can get to know each other to see how it goes. If it is just sex, I will start to come out. I dont see it as a problem

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Unfortunately, due to your large breasts, you will inevitably attract alot of men who are just looking for sex. It must be really discouraging, but don't let it ruin your view of relationships. There are plenty of men who are nothing like that, and with any luck you'll find one...you'll just have to be aware that your cleavage is a magnet for all the bad ones.

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well, men can't help it, not all of them, but the vast majority...

Perhaps your dress in something that reveals too much of your volumtuousness? In order to keep their attention on your eyes or on you, it could be a good idea to put smth that sort of hides your breasts? I think it could work..

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Unfortunately, due to your large breasts, you will inevitably attract alot of men who are just looking for sex. It must be really discouraging, but don't let it ruin your view of relationships. There are plenty of men who are nothing like that, and with any luck you'll find one...you'll just have to be aware that your cleavage is a magnet for all the bad ones.


Agree with this. Unfortunately, a lot are going to be initially attracted to the boobs. Hopefully, a good guy will stay for your brain.

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I too have large breasts and a very shapely figure (small waist and hips with long legs) plus I am considered attractive, so yes I've gotten my share of guys only wanting me for sex. It stinks because I am not easy but they often think I am because of my body.

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I'm not telling you to stop being sexy, but maybe you should try wearing clothes that don't compliment your body shape as much. A lot of women get upset when they hear that but it's the truth. If you wear nice clothes that sculp your figure well, it's going to attract the wrong kind of crowd. The only way to beat that is to wear things that'll keep the wolves away.

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I'm not to telling you to stop being sexy, but maybe you should try wearing clothes that don't compliment your body shape as much. A lot of women get upset when they hear that but it's the truth. If you wear nice clothes that sculp your figure well, it's going to attract the wrong kind of crowd. The only way to beat that is to wear things that'll keep the wolves away.


I agree with this statement. If you put them up, you wont get that attention. If you are shapely, wear something that does not show your figure. Men are visual.


What so funny is when you are not getting any attention, then you will feel good at first but then you will want that attention back...not the negative attention but the fact that men are checking you out

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I agree with this statement. If you put them up, you wont get that attention. If you are shapely, wear something that does not show your figure. Men are visual.


What so funny is when you are not getting any attention, then you will feel good at first but then you will want that attention back...not the negative attention but the fact that men are checking you out


The only other way is that you'll have to become more proficient in choosing which men you give a little play too. Otherwise, everybody is going to be hitting on you. If you get him on the phone and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is something to do with sex, then you know what time it is on his watch and you need to check that at the door. Signs like that can be a big indicator on what a guy might be looking for. I never talk about sex with a woman in the first or second quarter of the game.

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The only other way is that you'll have to become more proficient in choosing which men you give a little play too. Otherwise, everybody is going to be hitting on you. If you get him on the phone and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is something to do with sex, then you know what time it is on his watch and you need to check that at the door. Signs like that can be a big indicator on what a guy might be looking for. I never talk about sex with a woman in the first or second quarter of the game.


I will keep that in mind. Good advice coming from a man

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I also have big boobs and they've always attracted a lot of attention from unsavory characters. I'm not still not sure what it is about boobs that brings the stupid and sleazy out in men. Whatever it is, it can be controlled by what you wear...at least to an extent. My solution was to never wear anything low-cut, tight or that enhanced the size. It is difficult because it rules out 95% of the tops in stores that look "cute" or "adorable" on small boobed girls, but it's well worth it. Since I've started dressing more conservatively, men have begun to comment on my hair and eyes rather than on my body. Unless you like the attention your chest brings you, I think hair and eyes are preferable!


Oh and it's always nice to surprise a decent guy when you do finally get into bed with him. My boyfriend said that when he met me he thought that I only had smallish boobs because of what I was wearing. Then when he got my shirt off he just smiled ear to ear. It was awesome. There's no need to display the goodies before then, unless of course, like I said, you like the attention they bring. In that case, wear whatever the hell you want!

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Well, I think the problem is two-fold:


1) Having large breasts is going to attract a wide array of straight guys, some of whom you don't want

2) Most women who have large breasts tend to be lacking in other areas (intelligence, personality, etc) as they have never been forced to work on them because of all the attention they get


I'm not saying you fall into category 2). However, if you want to attract a smart/funny man, you should be aiming to have those qualities yourself.

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I have large breasts too...like 36D, something around there.


I don't really like the added attention just because I have big boobs. I realize that it's natural but it's so superficial and it definitely happens.


What I do is I don't wear sexy clothing. I also wear minimizer bras so I look like a C or so, not a D. I hide my size.

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Yeah I find that kind of offensive...

I don't think big boobed people are more likely to be less smart.


I DO think that people who are very attractive AND are very superficial (me, me, me) and USE their looks all the time to get what they want may be more likely to not have good traits because they have that mindset "I'm hot so I get what I want."...it has to do with mindset, not if you're actually attractive or not. Not all attractive people are like this, just some.


It wasn't my choice to be born with big boobs. I hate mine. I wish they were smaller. I have gotten male attention for them but it's not something I would want to seek out. It's annoying..

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Well from my perspective, it's clear that the type of guys you tend to date are generally the most likely to go after sex and forget about you. So my advice would be to date other types of men. However, most women never follow this kind of advice...

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Fight the tendency to crave that constant attention. Cause constantly having attention drawn to you isn't always a good thing. It's alright to be sexy sometime, but you don't need to show what you got all the time. Put a lid on some of that. I see some women that just flaunt it too much; that can be a turn-off too.

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I am volumptuous with large breasts. I have no trouble attracting men or getting dates. However, sometimes I feel men only want to have sex with me and that's all they are after. A lot of the guys in my area are just not what I'm looking for. They are either jobless or just not very intelligent (not trying to be rude) or if they are smart and funny then they think they are better than everyone else. And when I do meet someone I like sometimes I feel he's just after 1 thing. Why is that? Do men only want me b/c of my large boobs? Where is a smart, fun guy with a good sense of humor who will like me for me? I guess I'm just ranting, but it can be kind of discouraging in the dating world...

Since you don't seem to have a problem attracting men[if only everyone could be so lucky in attracting attention from the opposite sex]it's obviously more a question of attracting the good ones.Not all men who are attracted to your figure are necessarily going to be rude or after sex only.It is part of the package though to be physically attracted to any potential mate .Many men[myself included]are attracted to a woman with volumptuous breasts that doesn't make us crude or rude.Maybe you should change where you are going to try and meet men .I would guess a women with a volumptuous figure would garner a lot of attention say at a bar .

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Totally untrue and a massive generalisation.


It's a generalization based on my own experience. Whether it's big boobs, huge muscles, etc--it's the same concept. If attention is handed to you a silver platter there's a tendency not to be in a position where you need to work for it.

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It's a generalization based on my own experience. Whether it's big boobs, huge muscles, etc--it's the same concept. If attention is handed to you a silver platter there's a tendency not to be in a position where you need to work for it.


You might want to make a distinction between natural and artificial enhancements.

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It's a generalization based on my own experience. Whether it's big boobs, huge muscles, etc--it's the same concept. If attention is handed to you a silver platter there's a tendency not to be in a position where you need to work for it.


Are you serious? Big boob is not the only thing that gets attention. pretty face, hair, long legs etc etc. Almost everyone has something that gets attention. I have big boobs and almost none of my friends can compete with me in that department and still most of them are doing better than me when it comes to dating and relationships. Yeah, I do get attention from guys for my boobs. But so what? What is really handed to me here in a platter? sex? I think I could have that even if I had small boobs. My small boobed friends are actually having much more sex than me!


I agree with others, if you are bothered by wrong attention, wear something that hides them a little. That is definitely your best bet!

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I am a guy that has a weak spot in terms of curves. It is one of my more major weak spots, as it is one of the first things I do look for in a woman. With that said, it would never be the only reason for me to want someone, especially not as far as relationships are involved.


In general, those that only want you for your breasts are easy to spot. If a guy were to bring up sex or the like within the first minutes..he is only in it for that. If a guy does not seem pushy, only brings up sex when you do..proceed. Pay attention to the way a guy talks, what he talks about and when he talks about it. It seems too many women tend to ignore those important things.


If you wish for the initial impression of a guy to be less fixated on your breasts, cover it up more. If you don't, you will have to rely on your gut and observations to know what he wants from you.

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I am volumptuous with large breasts. I have no trouble attracting men or getting dates. However, sometimes I feel men only want to have sex with me and that's all they are after. A lot of the guys in my area are just not what I'm looking for. They are either jobless or just not very intelligent (not trying to be rude) or if they are smart and funny then they think they are better than everyone else. And when I do meet someone I like sometimes I feel he's just after 1 thing. Why is that? Do men only want me b/c of my large boobs? Where is a smart, fun guy with a good sense of humor who will like me for me? I guess I'm just ranting, but it can be kind of discouraging in the dating world...


I find it hard to accept that your breast size has anything to do with the kind of guys your finding.


The average guy likes the average breast size. As far as I know it’s a total myth that the majority of men prefer large breasts (D size and larger).


I’ve spoken to many guys about this over the years and only one person I spoke to thought “the bigger the better”. Most guys I talk to prefer either small or medium breast size.


Is it possible that large breasts attract a different type of guy?? I’ve never thought about this concept before. Why would a guy that prefers small breasts be less likely to be focused on sex when he finds a woman with small breasts? Doesn’t make sense to me but maybe I’m missing something here…

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