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I hate my self... please read and answer

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Ok guys im not gona say my name or anything but. im 14 and i have :


1. never had a GF

2. never kissed a girl



3. im not a lozer or anythring i just never think about a serius relationship, yea i talk to chix n shizzle but i never really go out on dates n stuff, heres my life


1. i wake up take ashower , go to school , mess around w/ my friends

come back have some friends comeover play some video games, go outside play basketball or baseball. take a shower. go to sleep


...see i want a girlfriend badly right, but i just dont know how to ask her, how to get to know a girl i like ( yea i got a crush ) ... etc


can anyone help me ??

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ask your crush out...


don't feel like a loser...you are only 14, i was almost 16 before i had a bf, well i was really just turned 15 but still....

just keep your cool, when you find someone you like get to know them better.

good luck,

love QTpie87

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see im sorta " class clown typa person" s o every1 knows me im not really a prep but im sorta prep , and the girl is preppy anyway


sometimes me and my friends act . lets just say ": RETARDED" as in say stuff like


we say stupid things and act imature,... how can i be more imature so chix will like me and stuff... I AM WILLING TO CHANGE!!!!!

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So many ppl seem to come on this forum and say they havent had a gf or their life stinks, and i could sympathzize but then i see they are 12-14 years old and im like


Seriously 14 years old. Most people havent had a gf at that age. I had only snogged a girl because i played immature games like spin the bottle at that age. Never had a gf til i was like 16 (and that was a lame relationship)


Read the posts around u. U will see that there are many threads/posts by guys all of a sudden who are in your position but our 18+. Some are 24+ and are in the same boat as u. U really have nothing to sulk about mate.


U sound to have an active life like most people your age. Hell, at 14 i never even really thought of girls. I never really did til 16. So go out and continue your lifestyle as it is. Have fun, and perhaps try to ask your crush out. If she rejects u, don't worry about it. There will be many other over the years.


PS: Instead of acting imature to make a girl like u, why don't u try and act mature to make them like u

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First off your only fourteen so relax. You have plenty of time for girlfriends in the future. I do agree to just go ask out your crush you really have nothing to lose. If you never ask you will never know if she would have actually went out with you.

Second, Your WAY too young to be in a serious relationship now. You are way too young to be serious with anyone.


GO out and have fun that is what life is about at your age.



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hey bro, take the advice here. Ur only 14, the lifestyle ur leading is exactly the one u should be at that age. Playing games, havin some smoke, some drink. Whatever. I suggest U take A look around the board and see the other aspect of A relationships, as in breakups and all. I tell u, everyone is in too much of A rush to grow up, but you'll find once you get there, it aint what u thought it was. I experience the worst, most unbearable pain every day of my life, due to A continously broken heart, it almost continually pushes me to the brink of suicide. And I didnt get in that relationship till I was about 17. Now I look at the years when I was 14, 15, whatever as the best, easiest, most fun years of my life. And remember, you can always go forward, but you can never go back. Everything in due course.

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