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New to dating again, I need help!

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ok, here is the deal, I met this guy I am reallly intrested in this guy a met a concert on Wednesday night. Well, he gave me his phone number before I left and told me to call him. So I called him on Sunday. Conversation was short becasue he was at dinner with his friends. He is supposed to call me today to let me know if him and his friends are going out tonight. Well, it is already 1:00 and he hasent called am I jumping the gun by thinking he is not going to call now. It is tonight that I am supopsed to met him. Should I call him? AHHH! Please help me!

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Dear tiff8434:


Don't sweat it! This is only one guy in a sea of many. Do not call him because you don't want to appear desperate.


Bottom line if he calls great, if not it's his lose not yours


Peace and blessings to you,


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