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Father Figure


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Has anyone here ever had a Father Figure other than their own Dad? Maybe you have had a dad present in your life and all, but this figure was more of a positive influence for you? I have and I don't see him as much and it hurts me. He once told me he loved me like I was "His own daughter" and that he would "always love" me. I want to email him and tell him how much I love him and how much he means to me, but I am afraid it will scare him. What if since he has moved and maybe he has grown apart? Does that Father Figure love ever end?

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I would say if you enjoyed the relationship you had with him why not call him up to just say Ive been thinking of you, or send a card with your phone number in it.


Because I am worried he probably doesn't love me as much anymore. You know? Life never stops going on and what if somewhere along the lines he has found a new father/daughter like relationship? I want to tell him that I love him. But like, I said. What if the love on his part has left?

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Because I am worried he probably doesn't love me as much anymore. You know? Life never stops going on and what if somewhere along the lines he has found a new father/daughter like relationship? I want to tell him that I love him. But like, I said. What if the love on his part has left?


But what harm are you causing by sending a card saying Im thinking of you, giving him your phone number so the ball with be in his court. Let him know how much his relationship meant to you, I dont know of anyone that wouldnt want to hear that they had a great impression on someones life.

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But what harm are you causing by sending a card saying Im thinking of you, giving him your phone number so the ball with be in his court. Let him know how much his relationship meant to you, I dont know of anyone that wouldnt want to hear that they had a great impression on someones life.


He does have my cell number. But, he usually responds more to my emails because he has a very busy career. He said he was bad with calling people and he hardly calls his family up North. (we live in the south) When we email, I usually tell him personal things about my life. My struggles, hopes...etc. He says, "I am always here to listen." So, I will probably have to email him.

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My father has always been in my life from Day 1 but I've had some other father figures (a couple of my high school teachers) that have made very positive impacts upon me through some hard times. I even went on a trip to India with one of them for a school project. I'm still in touch with them to this day. Not a replacement for my real father by any means, but very important nonetheless.


I've never known anyone to say that they love someone like their own daughter and take that statement lightly! I'm sure he cares about you a lot. As you said, he told you that he's very busy and bad about keeping in touch. My father can be the same way but that doesn't mean that he loves me any less. I'm sure this man still cares for you.


I would write him an email. Perhaps set up times ahead where you guys can either get together or call each other and catch up? Tell him how much of a positive impact he's made on you, that you care about him, and you want to keep in touch more.


I'm sure he misses you too and would love to hear from you. It may be more of an effort to keep in touch but it's not impossible. I really hope you get in touch with him.


It is wonderful to have a father figure(s) in your life...people who are genuinely there for you, supportive, and pure in their intentions. They will not betray you and you can always count on them. I say if you have someone like that in your life, even if he's far away, then you are very lucky.

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Has anyone here ever had a Father Figure other than their own Dad? Maybe you have had a dad present in your life and all, but this figure was more of a positive influence for you? I have and I don't see him as much and it hurts me. He once told me he loved me like I was "His own daughter" and that he would "always love" me. I want to email him and tell him how much I love him and how much he means to me, but I am afraid it will scare him. What if since he has moved and maybe he has grown apart? Does that Father Figure love ever end?


I've never had a father figure, but wish I had one.


I wouldn't tell him how you feel about him. Just try to keep in contact, and I would think you should want to keep a positive relationship alive.

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