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Maybe it's exactly what we're doing on this forum that keeps them away from us, get it? Maybe it's the fact that we're sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves OR whatever it is that we're on this "getting back together" forum that is keeping them away. I mean for me I just realized something and it makes a lot of sense. I just gave up on everything because I didn't think she wanted to come back because she was really over me when I thought about it, it's because I'm a wuss in her eyes. I would do anything for her and blah blah blah you know? Treat her like an absolute goddess when this just shows that you'll do anything out of desperation to prove yourself to them. Even if that's not the case and in the end some here tries to find some reason or whatever the truth of the matter is they're gone and they hate it when you don't accept it or always try to fight it or convince them to stay when they've made up their minds. "You don't get it" is what they'll normally say or "It's me, not you".


So whatever the best thing I heard on this site was that you shouldn't freaking worry about them anymore, who the hell cares? I sure as hell don't anymore, I'm not a jerk but I have to look out for myself and so should the rest of you. Most people will assume you have to do this stuff in order not to get dumped or whatever, that you have to treat them like a god or goddess because they deserve it and it shows how much you care, but may caring too much shows you don't care enough about yourself. Who knows, but the point is that we shouldn't care about them anymore, no more of this no contact, no more of this whatever you're supposed to do to win them back. Don't even focus on that anymore, it's hard no to but give it up! No more reading thoughts, no more analyzing, no more caring, no more thinking they'll come back. It's just not going to happen, so let's all find someone else already. It's because of what we're doing right now that probably made them leave.

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I don't know if you want an answer, but.. You're on the right track. You have to live for yourself and get out there. Start dating, you're single again! Do the things you enjoy and stop obsessing. We all need to do that.


Once we start living a "full" life we become more attractive to others. We heal and we become stronger. And anything can happen after that

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You got it, not many people do!! And with that DO NOT think this will in some way come back to them and they'll want you. NO NO do NOT think this at all, STOP CARING ABOUT IT. Focus on yourself and sometimes things DO happen, take that as however you want it to mean


You have to build up your confidence and start dating other people, I know I can't wait and that's why I became friends with my ex. Because my feelings are done with and I can actually resume a friendship with her. People keep asking if I'll get crushed or hurt if she's with her bf, but I don't give a flying f*** about her and her bf, who cares... it's not of my concern anymore and I'm happy for her that she has someone. She's happy and so I'm happy. I want to be her friend, it sucks not having enough friends and so having someone that knows me so well is such a bonus. Not everyone is so lucky, I'm surprised she wants to be my friend after the huge dick I was towards her lol. She said she did feel bad about it and knew why I was acting the way I was so it's all ok now


Advice for the rest of you, it's not the end of the world. That feeling in your gut about "they're the one" is all BS. The whole well my gut is telling me they'll come back may be true, but you have to forget about them, forget about doing some form of method or plan to "win them back" forget all of that, just go out and live your life. Be yourself, find someone new and in no time you'll figure life out! Your ex may or may not care, but your point is NOT to use that, stop using things or making yourself look better or wondering, really stop caring... don't be an ass, but look out for yourself. Be independent, the faster you get over them and find someone new the sooner you'll realize there's people out there. I didn't believe that for the longest time, but it's true. I know I was confused for so long thinking that she was the one and we were meant for each other, but whatever, even though my head keeps trying to go back to that thought, I smarten up and realize the truth again. Stop caring, focus on yourself. This isn't to get them back, it hasn't been possible and it isn't possible. Don't worry about it, don't focus on it and the rest will come


Advice for those who can't let go or are trying to force it thinking they've thought about the big picture and see no one else but their ex, give it up. Not to put it harshly, but I know my reason for trying to justify it or thinking there's no one else after thinking about it was because I thought that my ex was so perfect for me, that she was everything I'd want and I wouldn't want to look again because it is hard. But the truth is you have to try anyways, you can be surprised and you dont' know unless you try. Please take this advice and stop trying to win them back, who cares? They probably didn't do enough for you anyways so you should find someone else who will. REALLY, believe that, take it from a guy that didn't believe s*** like two weeks ago. Seriously, work on yourself, change whatever you want to and find someone new! Don't even look for someone long term, just have fun. Enjoy life and realize it's too short pining over one insignificant person.

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The thing is, I know all these things in my mind, I can chant it until the cows come home. But in my heart, I seem to be unable to let go.


I can see the way, but my feet don't want to walk the path. I feel some kind of mental block holding me back and I can't seem to break through.


Knowing the "truth" and what to do is one thing, doing them is another.

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well for me, what was holding me back was this made up thought in my mind about her coming back eventually. It was me thinking it didn't make sense, or her new relationship was a rebound and she'll come back, or the big one was that since she best matched my picture of that perfect person... that i didn't have to look anymore for that special person because she was right infront of me. I didn't have to search anymore like I had been for years and years and years and I was afraid of finding someone new because I didn't think it would happen based on my thought that since she was the best for me and had best matched my "soul mate" that I hated to lose that. Another thing was that I thought it didn't make sense, that my gut was telling me she was meant for me and something would bring her back or some stupid crap like that. THe truth is it was all in my head, it doesn't make sense, it won't happen and I learnt after all that pining and crying and thinking she was meant for me, that it just wasn't meant to be and moved on. It was so obvious to me that she wasn't the one and if your ex didn't love you for you or give you what you deserved or appreciated you or did any of those things that show love and affection, well then that further proves my point.

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There is a point where you can no longer wait for your ex to come back.


"Sometimes things just aren't meant to be"


I have all the love in the world for my ex, but I don't chase after her or even talk to her anymore. She doesn't feel the same way. Chasing after her will end up hurting me more. She doesn't have feelings for me anymore.


Do I still love her, yes. But I am trying to let go. It's not an immediate process, my love is slowly dying.


You have to watch out for number one, yourself. like mix maxster said. No contact helps you move on with your life. Pick up the pieces of keep moving along. Improve yourself. If sometime in the future your life and your ex cross paths again, hopefully they will see the positive changes you have made.

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Hurt By Love,


Man, everyone on here sounds so Jaded and everyone gives up so easily. When you don't succeed after a few attempts, that's it.


I wouldn't convince yourself of the fact that she no longer has feelings for you. She probably got fed up with you. I don't know what methods you were using to get her back, but maybe they weren't the best ones.


My ex told me the last time she left me that she had no more feelings for me and we would never be together ever again and told me to move on. I didn't let that deter me and give up. NO WAY. I didn't re-approach her as the man she left, but as the man she first met and fell in love with. What happened as a result? Well within 6 weeks, she told me that she would die for me and love wasn't a strong enough word to describe her feelings for me. My only problem was that I stopped reciprocating the love and took it too far. I let it get to my head and I was on a rampage, much like MixMaster is. Follow your heart man and not what others do, or influence you into doing. Be your own man and take charge of your life and your actions and I promise you, she will take a new found interest, for you won't be the man she left, but the man she met.

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Well sorry to say Danimal but you misunderstood, I for one have a new found attitude but I read your posts and saw how it went to my head. I have taken that to heart and know I wouldn't do that, once I had my ex back I wouldn't let her walk all over me, but I would still be that great guy she fell in love with. It was the other stuff I did that broke her away, the stuff I'm working on in the mean time. I am not focused on getting her back or winning her back or whatever I'm not thinking abuot it, I'm only thinking about me right now and what I need to do to move on with my life. How long would I wait for her to come back? What would I have to go through? What if she came back and left? could I handle that? I dunno, but the point is that right now I'm not even focused on getting her back because she has someone. The last thing I told her recently is that she shouldn't be dictated by other people or what she's afraid of doing to other people, she needs to choose her own path and that she shouldn't deny herself the very thing she is looking for. If she thinks I am that one she shouldn't deny herself that BECAUSE we were together at one point. The point I was making was that she's doing her own thing like I SHOULD be doing right? She wouldn't be pissed off or mad at me if she saw I was being happy and living my life because she's hoping I will. BUt for her to say "no it's not a possibility that I'd come back or I just don't love you." I believe her, but that doesn't mean she won't love me later right? That's something I believe but I have to move on in the mean time because she's FINDING herself, she's finding what she's looking for and she is looking for love. And if in that quest she finds it's me in the end well then I wouldn't deny that of her so long as I'm not seeing anyone lol. BUt really how can I expect to just wait on the sidelines and for how long? What if she got married? So i'm just going to wait it out? On what basis? how do I know she'll come back, that's the truth. So I'm not focusing on that, I'm being her friend truthfully, her being with her bf is her choice and she has her right to find love just like I do and if she wants to be taken seriously she'll respect my decision to date. I'll be an honest truthful friend and if she decides to come back I wouldn't deny that, I wouldn't and I'd be a new man with confidence and a new found attitude that she'd love because I can say "I love you and I'll do a lot for you, but I won't just be a doormat for you I'm sorry. I have to have my own life too." If she can respect that then I'd never treat her poorly or act overconfident ever. But tell me a reason to keep thinking she'll come back and to me it won't matter because I already know that you know? I get that already, the point I'm making is knowing that and not focusing on that anymore. Letting it prove itself on it's own, afterall if I loved her once I could love her again and also if my feelings for her are true, giving up on her won't be the end all because if I couldn't love her again then it wasn't true love.

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AMEM is all I have to say. You have seen the light buddy. I like what you had to wrote and I agree with EVERYTHING.


Our women test us all of the time, you just have to be aware of it. They test us to see if we'll be strong, because they look for that strength in us. You said your ex is looking out there to find LOVE. Man, she won't find it, because you can't find love when you're looking for it. When she finally stops is when it will come to her.


I didn't go looking for love with my ex when I first met her. In fact, I tried to fight off my felings for her and deny I had any, to the point that she was so crushed and hurt that I wasn't feeling the same way for her, as she was for me. Finally I was truthful with her and we just knew that love came to us this time. That was true love.


What they are searching for now, is a remedy for the hurt and for someone to take it away and make them whole again. When and if she turns around and sees who's always been there for her, it will hit her light a bolt of lightning. I can assist her in this process, but I can impose no pressure, or manipulation this time. Tiem will tell, but so will proactivity and not just sitting back and waiting as you say.





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Sitting back and doing "nothing" is actually doing something. You are in control of yourself. That is alot. Nobody has respect for someone who cannot control themselves. Doing nothing is just that--being in control. You have your emotions in check. You do not appear needy or pushy. You are the master of yourself. Now that is VERY attractive .

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Muneca, once again you're right! Less is more. Restraint is strength and power at it's best and you can't look bad in their eyes when all you're doing is respecting them, but eventually someone has to make the move and since we are the one's who pushed them away, I believe that after enough time has elapsed, make a re-introduction, new and improved!


BTW, I PM's you again Muneca, as a response to your response to my response, as a response to your.........(lol).



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Ya that was kind of what I'm planning on doing with my situation as she's trying to find strength in someone or something. Like I don't even know what the hell she's looking for nor do I know if she even knows it, but the last thing I heard from her was that she started dating this new guy so fast because she didn't have feelings for me and because she was lonely. However truthful that may be I've decided to let her do her own thing because what can I actually do? Any medling or any fighting of it or begging or pleading will only look weak and was probably the cause of the break up to begin with. Because I was weak in her eyes and she questioned how it would work in the long run, would I be a good provider, would I take care of myself well enough to take care of her if she needed it all the kinds of things like that was what she probably questioned the most at the end.


I've been able to turn my feelings around because it's just not worth it right now, it's not closing myself up, but you tell me what I could do to "win her back" and maybe I'd listen. Because let's face it, what she couldn't find in me she's trying to find in some other guy and she's not going to go back on her word right now no matter what I do or say. Perhaps through all of this someone can tell me where that hope is, actual proof of there being any or anything at all that puts it in plain language and says hey look there's hope because of this. There's no strategy or set thing you can really do I know in my situation I looked like a weak man who was very loving and had potential, but didn't show enough strength in her eyes. This isn't a game for me and I've taken on the responsibility of being her friend because she wanted me to, it kind of is a test you know? She wants me to prove it to her that I'm fine with her dating this new guy by me not feeling uncomfortable infront of her. That's kind of the point and I will be strong because I lovvvvvvvvveeeeee being single right now, I can really do whatever I want and I'm not subject to being judged like I was. I don't have to worry about all those things I did when I was going out with her and I'm using that to my advantage you know? I neglected my friends and so it's all something I'm working on. If she comes back she's going to have to understand that I did all that nice stuff that I did because I thought usually girls do all that stuff and it'd be nice for a change you know? It don't mean I won't do it anymore, but there'll be a balance of me being a loving guy doing those nice things when they're earned or when I feel like it and a guy that has to look out for himself. I have to have a life too and she'll have to understand that.


Anyways in all this rambling I wanted to make the point of saying that when she said she didn't love me I thought it was BS and it's probably true, her confusion stems no doubt from her constant wondering if I was that one for her. She REALLY DID jump into things with this new guy trying to fill that void or find what she's looking for, it's so obvious as she's ditched her friends for this new guy. I don't care for the analyzing anymore as my job is done, I want to date other girls so I can see what's out there and if someone else comes along then I'm jumping on that bandwagon. And for Danimal I have to ask you something I'm not sure you answered, you say not to give up and you have some good points... but tell me in her eyes why she would want to come back and second she's dating someone right now where does that leave hope for me? and why should I not give up? maybe that will explain why I did give up, but perhaps you can turn me back

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Mix Master,


No one on here can play God, even though some try. I was just told, that I am a co-dependent person, in an unhealthy relationship and I need to listen to what everyone is telling me and move on and finally understand that there is a reason that we broke up as many times as did, simply, because we're not meant to be with each other. I love to hear that kind of talk, because it only pumps me up to thank God that I am not one who is that easily influenced by other people's opinions. I will remain positive and stick to what I believe in and follow my heart and no one else. I am pleasing me in the process. It is about me everyone!!!!!


Okay, now to answer your questions Mixmaster. First off, this is what you wrote: "I lovvvvvvvvveeeeee being single right now, I can really do whatever I want and I'm not subject to being judged like I was. I don't have to worry about all those things I did when I was going out with her and I'm using that to my advantage you know? I neglected my friends and so it's all something I'm working on. If she comes back she's going to have to understand that I did all that nice stuff that I did because I thought usually girls do all that stuff and it'd be nice for a change you know?"


Let me tell you right off the bat, that is EXACTLY what my ex told me when she left me, word for word. She felt/feels the exact same way you do, which validates my point that they are feeling no different than we are right now. They are just at the other end of room, looking at the same furniture, just seeing it from a different angle. How about walking towards that side of the room and looking at it from their perspective. I can guarantee you, when you start walking back to your side, they won't want you to walk away.


Your ex didn't leave you because she didn't love you and that's not what propelled her into the arms of another man. She did love you when she left you, but those concerns of hers, about you perhaps not being a good provider and not being able to stand on your two feet, etc...., were just that, fears. She put you to the real test when she left you and still is my friend. Whether you justify or validate her fear by doing what it is she was expecting you to do, versus, what she was hoping you wouldn't, if you know what I mean, that all lies within your hands. A strong man will not beg, or plead, or cry or chase. He will say, you want to go, then go and you will let her go and you will stand on your own two feel and NOT FALL APART. That is your one and only chance. She does not love this new guy. She does not know this new guy. She loves you and put you to the test and so far you failed, but the amazing thing is, you can keep taking the same test again, but just go hit the books and study, because her love hasn't died for you. She is taking care of her own needs right now, because she felt that you couldn't take care of YOUR OWN, and in turn hers. Leave her alone, do your own thing, as I'm doing now as well and resurface. I say that a strong man will support her with this new guy and then will distance themself more and more, giving less and less of yourself to her, but everytime you are in contact, give her fulfillment and then walk away again, for an INDEFINITE amount of time, making her more aware of the changes in you.


Life is a game, whether or not anyone here wants to admit to it and we are all players. It's survival of the fittest. Be fit and survive and people will follow your lead, including your ex. You just have to be consistant, because that's what they look for.



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I love reading these forums. I'm currently adhering strictly to the no contact rule and rather than reaching for my phone or emailing my ex and losing him forever or boring my friends again and again I go here and I feel better. It keeps my fingers from wandering and it stops me from being bitter. If it wasn't for seeing so many guys missing their exs I would probably thing all men were selfish egomaniacs and I certainly wouldn't want to think that. I have learnt so much. For example I'm an active person and the stress of doing nothing was alleviated by the observation that, that is a sign of strength in itself. After my breakup i knew that there coiuld be no contact while he tried to cope with his stressful law course while managing his illness. So 2+half months down and !+half to go, but at least I will be travelling Europe for 3weeks during it. I love the fact that we are all experts and clueless at the same time. I would love to hear the happy endings. If mine works out I will come back and tell all. I don't know if I told this before but a friend of mine called Jennifer started dating paul and it was one of those theyre heading down the aisle relationships. Even though she was about 23 and he was about 28 within a year marriage had been mentioned by both. They were both very enthusiastic. Then one night he called over and very coldly told her Jennifer I don't see you in my future. She was naturally upset. Anyway he did try ringing a few times within the next week or so, the lets be friends thing and she said No it would be tooo painful. Now Jennifer is a plain girl with a weight problem but she goto n with her life. She was devastated but did briefly date another guy. She decided it was over and acted accordingly. Paul heard of the other relationship. Anyway nine months after the breakup and about five months since her other lack lustre relationship ended, he rings her up. He wants her back. She arranged to meet him and thrashed things out. They got back together but this time she gave less and expected more from him. She still went to his games etc, but nowhe had to do stuff she liked too. They are getting married in December.

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Cassiana I liked your story because --it's been 9 months.. where is my dang ring !


Actually your friend did all the right things, she was broken up and she "acted accordingly. "

You are doing well in not calling your guy Cassiana, let him come to you. When a man loves you he is happy to look for you and persue you. He likes it that way. You keep your dignity and you show that you respect yourself.


Keep going

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A few times I've seen you make mention of how men will go to any lengths in order to get their ex back, or get any woman for that matter. Which, from experience, I can say is true. Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no river wide enough so to speak.


I guess what I'm wondering is your take when the woman is the dumper. I know it requires patience no matter which gender you are, but I guess a consistent fear I have is that she would want something from me, some indication I was still interested. I told her before starting with no contact that I have left the door open, and I've told myself that if she had the guts to break up with me, she'll have the guts to come back if she has feelings for it.


It's so difficult having feelings for her and not being able to show her what I feel. I agree with cassiana, though. If things work out I promise I'll come to this board to let them know of the success. With every day that passes, though, I begin to feel there's less chance of that however.

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Mix Master,


Someone once likened dealing with heartbreak to the analogy of a tunnel through a mountain. On one side of the mountain is the hurt, scared, lonely, rejected, lost despairing you and on the other the happy, confident, self assured party person you once were. There is no way round the mountain, the only way back to the happy you is through this dark tunnel (the tunnel is obviously 'no contact' or whatever tool is used to break free of pain and accept the end of a relationship) .It looks really bad in there and you don't want to have to go through it but as I've said, it's the ONLY route to happiness. Some people grit their teeth and run through, some wallow around in there getting so far, maybe taking a few steps backwards before they finally make it. Others, more worryingly, think they can find a way around. They think they are different from everyone else, they wander around in no-mans land trying to figure out ways round it, driving themselves nuts - sure of finding a different route, unfortunately for all their bravado and pioneering spirit, what they haven't realised is that ALL paths lead back to the tunnel.


I've followed your posts Mix and I just wanted to applaud your progress man. You can really see the light now, you sound happy and you are finding peace from within. You don't need to look back; you already know what's behind you. Just keep going, don't let anyone tell you any different!


One life – be happy


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Ever think that maybe just maybe, at the end of the tunnel, there a lies a future with your ex, after you've made all those changes to yourself.


Myabe some of us, not all have to go through that dark tunnel alone, to get back to what we once had, witing ourselves and doors are at that point, opened to us, as a result of?


Not all of us are meant to get back with our ex's, but some of us are and do. IT seems like everyone you speak of on here is denial and those that move on and let you and realize that it's over, are the ones who are grounded in reality. Reality is what you make of it and everyone paves their own path in life and I won't let anyone tell me differently.





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Do whatever makes you happy man! like you say 'you won't let anyone tell you differently'. Mix sounds happy which I'm just so made up about and that is the main thing, it sounds like he has made peace with himself - calmness, stability and strength are once more entering his soul, I'm nearly there myself. When I see you writing happy stuff, I'll be made up for you too! In some of your posts you just sound so lost Danimal, it makes me wanna come over there and shake you! Everyone can see you're a fighter, man you're a stubborn s of a b! but just think what a difference it would make if you were channelling all that power, drive and self belief into something that actually made you happy!


She's just one girl, yes you guys had something really special and connected on all sorts of levels that you think no-one else can understand, but you act like she's the whole story, and that your love life begins and ends with her. She's just one book, she was a damn good read - that is obvious, but you may have turned the last page on this one, who knows there may be a sequel but do you know how many good books are out there man!


'Happiness' Danimal, That's what it's all about in the end, getting back to the place you once were, that place you feel safe and whole again. None of us chose to end up here, none of us chose to have our lives and loves snatched from us but that's what happened, that's the reality. We come here to seek solace, to heal, to share, to make it through that dark tunnel and to maybe find that happy ending. If you make it through and somehow find your ex again on the happy side then excellent, but you've still got to go through the tunnel 1st and heal yourself and find that happiness from within. Yes this forum is about 'getting back together', but if in the end getting back together or trying to is just going to lead to more pain then where's that gonna leave you? yep right back on this board time and time again, sound familiar?


Like I said – one life, why not make it a happy one.



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You Said:

"but just think what a difference it would make if you were channelling all that power, drive and self belief into something that actually made you happy!"


This does make me happy.


Thanks for all you advice though. It's mucho appreciated senior .


Peace to all,



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Actually you want to know the funny thing?

Talk about a sick kind of fate I tell you. I would NOT be able to be who I am today and have a happy outlook on life if I wasn't first happy with myself and working hard to accomplish anything. This actually came from my ex and her mom supporting me and encouraging me and showing me the good side to life, I almost resented talking to my mom because she was the big reason why I hated life so much. It was through them that I found enough strength within myself to believe in myself and believe that I was capable of being a DAMN great GUY!!! I knew it, but I didn't think anyone else did... but I stopped listening to my mom and her negativity and listened to what my ex and her mom were saying and I finally believed it. But I got into a rut where I knew I was acting immature and knew I was complaining about other things and knew that other things weren't going so well and I knew I had to fix it, but I never actually got off my butt and did ANYTHING about it. I just let it keep happening because no one was saying anything about it and no one was telling me to shape up or else. I basically was getting away with being an immature lazy ass slob because no one objected me for it.


So, almost like it was meant to be my "wake-up" call, my ex dumps me and I'm left to pick myself up and figure my life out without her to see if who I am is actually different than who I was, a happy, loving, smart, intelligible, hard working, optimistic man. This may be far-fetched for some of you, but then again life gives you ALL KINDS of opportunities to prove yourself or make yourself and I feel that this honestly was one of those situations where I feel that this HAD TO HAPPEN for me to do ANYTHING about myself and to make myself worthy of my ex's love. THIS does NOT mean I'm doing it for her, it means I'm making myself out to be the best damn man I can be and ANYONE would love it. If another girl comes then by all means I will try it out, but I know I have to really fix the inside to get anyone and I know that this may actually be the very thing that gets her back. Kind of like a temporary thing for me to get my act together because FORGET about the ex for a second as NO GIRL would want to be with a guy that I was at and before the breakup. I have to prove myself to her and to all the other women out there worthy of my love that I am a damn fine catch and that THEY HAVE been missing out.



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Very well said Max.


It's true: we have to hit bottom before we can come back up.


The thing is that sometimes we will hit bottom several times because we haven't figure out yet how to come back up, or we think there is no way up ( we just don't see it)


So happy for you that you have managed to change yourself around. I'm sure no one will resist you now , and the best thing is that you did it for yourself--no one can take that away.

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Great stuff dude!


I've been reading your posts for a long time... and that was the first one in a while where I felt like i could truly hear YOUR voice. Before there was always a filter of the EX.... but this sounds like the real MAX.


Congrats on pulling YOURSELF out of the doldrums... it takes a lot of internal strength to do that. You should be proud, and no matter what happens in the future, you need to remember this experience... it can be far to easy to forget these things.



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