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It has been 9 weeks of NC for me and I am doing soooo much better! I was a wreck for 3 months post break up because we stayed in contact and even dated some. It was killing me...NC is the only way to go if you are serious about healing and moving on.


Oh wow thank you! That makes me feel so much better to see people who have done it themselves. Because I have known people who keep in contact for years and they just don't seem to ever completely move on.

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i'm just over 12 months of NC apart from one time 6 months ago when she came over to me in a bar. stay busy and occupy your mind and do activities. i've never been so busy last 12 months. now i'm in great shape. i'm not fully over her but i can control my emotions and been on a few dates. its very hard but whatever happens maintain NC. we are all or been through what you are going through. there is no quick fix but keep at it. discover new hobbies and interests. good luck

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