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Everything going to well its strange


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I met my girlfriend online about 3 1/2 months ago, weve been official for 3 months. The relationship is amazing, and its been progressing quickly naturally. After 2 months I began staying with her, I have never stayed with someone as I havent wanted to, it was a mutual decision she wanted me to stay and I wanted to stay. I know its the honeymoon stage but Ive never had a connection with someone like this before. We even think the same its kind of eery to be honest. We're one the same level with everything. We have the same values and objectives (timeline for buying a place together, marriage, kids, etc...). The same sense of humour, the same way of resolving issues, same way of dealing with people, its a little sickening to be honest lol.


Im very happy and comfortable, but its weird I have this feeling that things are going to well, I know this might sound crazy but I cant really explain. I just feel different in this relationship then I have in the past.


Can any of you relate to this, what do you think? Im not trying to look for issues here, im just kind of taken a back.

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LOL@the "one". anyway....


Confused, the first stage of the relationship is always great and magical... and it's best just to enjoy it and let things happen as they should. You have found someone who at this time makes your heart sing and there is nothing wrong with that... now a year or two from now if you two have gone through the rough patches and still have that funny love feeling that people seem to get, then you know what to do next.


Just have fun kid.

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LOL@the "one". anyway....


Confused, the first stage of the relationship is always great and magical... and it's best just to enjoy it and let things happen as they should. You have found someone who at this time makes your heart sing and there is nothing wrong with that... now a year or two from now if you two have gone through the rough patches and still have that funny love feeling that people seem to get, then you know what to do next.


Just have fun kid.


I agree. It is still very early days so enjoy the time together and take it one day at a time. Don't get carried away with fantasies of the far off future and naming the children you might have together...but also don't look for doom and gloom that this is going too well right now. Anything can happen as you move further along in the relationship and get out of the honeymoon period.

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I agree. It is still very early days so enjoy the time together and take it one day at a time. Don't get carried away with fantasies of the far off future and naming the children you might have together...but also don't look for doom and gloom that this is going too well right now. Anything can happen as you move further along in the relationship and get out of the honeymoon period.


I know what you mean by the honeymoon stage, this is my 3rd relationship, first being 3 years, second being 4.5 years, but the honeymoon period in those relationships never felt like this.

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