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the creature


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every cut

trying to free this creature

inside of me

every drop of blood

one i'm willing to sacrifice

to be FREE.


all say no


honey, baby, that's wrong

so i stop for a while

and leave the creature alone.


can't stop fighting

it will attach itself to my soul

it'll grow

so i cut some more

so it'll leave

so i can be FREE.


now fear blinds them

they wonder how long

before i cut too deep

before i let all the blood fall

let my body die and my spirit leave


try so hard to fight


i can't stand that look in my mother's eyes

as she stares at my arm and she cries and cries

so i do as she prays and forget my knife in my drawer

while this creature takes over my mind

until i'm not me




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Ok if this is just a poem well its pretty dark and scary or maybe I am not the type to appreciate it sorry. But if it isnt than its scary to know that you are doing this to your self I hope that you can find the same strength that you have to this to get help because life is important and your not just hurting yourself you are also hurting the people who love and care about you I am not going to preach to you but if I could find the strength to stop doing destructive things in my life I hope you cant to! GOD BLESS!

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