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i need suggestion and help :\

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well... i met this girl online... and we had been online gf/bf for about 5 months, we talked about cyber sex a little and i don't quite understand what's cyber sex... so if this is not a disturbing question can i ask:

1. does cyber sex just using words online to get eat other excited? if that's it i had done 2 times with her

2. does voice required? (for example microphone)

3. can you guys teach me any techinqueto make her feel better in cyber sex? ^^;;; please i really wish i can make her happy when this kind of stuff happen v_v if you don't wanna post a reply please PM me

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Well, I personally havent done much Cybersex, as i prefer phone sex with my girlfriend, as its a little more interactive, plus i really enjoy hearing those moans. its basically talking about everything you would do.


the trick is to put in lots of details, picture yourself in your mind with her, think about everything you would do, step by step, you must be very descriptive in your words.


lets see if I can give you an example, its hard for me to get into that mood as iam now single and alone with no one to imagine, but here it goes.


Honey, we are sitting on the coach, in front of the fireplace, i see your beautiful face by the warm light of the fires,


I stare in your eyes and see into your soul, your desires ever so obvious, you need me to touch you, and i do, my hand gently glides through your long brown hair, it continues behind your ears, and down to your neck and accross to your shoulder i hold you there, your pouting lips ever so inviting swell with the antisipation of what is to come, the dancing shadows of your br-easts underneath your satin blouse move to the rythem of the melodic music in the background. my passion for you uncotrollable, I cannot resist any longer, i press my lips against your yours, so warm so soft, your mouth slowly opens inviting my tongue to explore, ...........


You get the picture? this could go on for hours! usually my girl is ahh how can i say it, way ahead of me lol and usually on her second O by the time i start talking about taking her panties off.


Its not that hard to do, just imagine your watching an erotic movie of you and your girlfriend.


When doing it over the net, you need to write, a little, send, write a little, send and so on, dont leave her waiting 20 minutes for you send her a long story. you want her to imagine what that next line is going to say.

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how old r u, asking about cyber sex?, im wandering because i wouldnt feel comfortable telling someone my daughter´s age how to go about cyber sexual activities. I´ve participated in cyber sex, and it was real fun for me... I am alot more detailed than the gentleman listed above, than id like to share on a public forum or in a private message,...as it was a personal experience that id like to keep to myself...


But that basics are just talking to the person about what you visualize doing to and with them if you were intimately with them physicaly at that moment. It can be very arousing, according if you find something stimulalting about that person in the first place, if u got to know them. Cyber sex isnt that successful with just "anybody" tho. (unless its some sort of pervert) It has to be someone that you have grown attatched to in a special "bonding" sort of way...and ud wander what theyd be like in real life...its a good way to explore their capabilities...somethimes ud be surprised how somebody can really turn u on...or "off"...


First set the mood, and envionment for her to visualize u 2 together in...


Just get romantic, say something like ud invite her to a nice picnic on a beach , throw a blanket out over the soft white sandy beach...the sun is setting...you have soft music playing, talking and smiling at her while u unbutton ur shirt. Shes lyin on her side runnin her feet in the sand..


Talk about how her sexy sillouhette just sets the sunset off, and its gettin so hott that ur nature is beginning to rise to the occasion. U just want to gently grab her, start pasionately kissing her, and describe each and every step of ur actions from there. Softly kissing her ear, then her eyelids, rubbing noses with ur eyes closes...kissing the side of her lips, shes moaning...u kiss her down her neck while unbuttoning her top...and just let ur imagination lead ur next step...



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well... how old is your daughter?



this stuff don't really affect me in real life, since i have double personality its like totally different person that don't affect to each other, i try not to let this 2 related to each other as well? is that normal? o.o i dont think it is huh

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by the way, the example i gave was not a real case its just an example of the process involved. like i said, i prefere the phone, as the feedback is kind of a guide as to the speed i should go, and also the details needed.


I think cybersex and phone sex is a safe alternative for teens to explore their sexuality without actually having sex. and it can be very pleasuable for others who just cant be together, or just want to try something different.

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well... how old is your daughter?



this stuff don't really affect me in real life, since i have double personality its like totally different person that don't affect to each other, i try not to let this 2 related to each other as well? is that normal? o.o i dont think it is huh


well my daughter is 14 years old, and I REALLY did not understand what u were saying here about having double personalities, and not letting it affect each other. Are you saying that this is just something you want guidance on, to use online? separate from the "real" life u lead? again, im not sure of what ur saying but i certainly hope that noone is hurt in the meantime as you seem to separate between online sex and whats going on in ur real life...


What i wrote in my last post up there was also just a imaginary situation, and not a real life situation either...just the basics of an idea, but many ppl have cybe sex in different ways...some ppl (like myself) may wish to get real detailed leading to a point thats "beyond arousal", wanting to release a bit of built up frustration...wheras others are not as comfortable enough to open up on this level...


but to each its own...




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hehe sorry i'm not good at explaining stuff... here is what i'm trying to say:

i was all normal when i'm in taiwan (i had been livinv in taiwan for 13 years and i then moved to USA, so far i had live in USA for almost 3 years" i was a outgoing person who like to make friends, but when i came to USA the culture and stuff are all different, they all make fun of me, laugh at me, so it ends up i hides all my feelings and shows it online, (by the way, i'm completely a computer person all time outside of school)

so when i'm in my real life, i'm shy and don't talk to anybody acting like i'm a depress person

but when i'm online i'm outgoing, hyper, and showing other people my feeling and stuff ^^

so does that explain a little?


and NO i definally won't bring that to real life i can control myself very well

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