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Well….. it's now four weeks since my ex took off without telling me….since he chose his family over me.,… without including me in the decision, since he left leaving me behind…. His dad told me yesterday that he's doing wonderfully good in LA….taking care of his 18 years old sister and 17 years old brother…. !!!!!???!?!? he helped her with her exam and apparently was the best feeling ever !!!!!I am choked how someone could just be so well after breakings someone's heart in such a horrible matter after 4 years of love ???? doesn't he miss me at all… missing him has become a part of my life….. Gosh sometimes I long just fr a last hug, kiss ….to feel him one more time….it kills me !

Why doesn't he call me? Why doesn't he think of me? How? When until last minute he was making life plans for us……Oh my heart hurts so much…I get up at 5 am each morning and can't go back to bed, because I keep on wondering how he walked away fr his whole life and future…and then I'm like"wow it takes courage to leave everything behind you like this" but why…… am in pain!

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Sometimes it takes longer for the "breaker" to get to those feelings..though if the relationship was meaningful, they will. The difference is they can live in the "confidence" of their decision and believe they did the "right thing" which can mask those emotions longer. They have spent time convincing themselves breaking it off was the right thing to do, and it takes longer for the true emotions to overcome that.


Give it time, take care of yourself. He will start to reflect in his own time.

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She is right... they made a decision, they may even realize it is not the best decsion, but they have convinced themselves they are right. Add that to the fact that family and friends will be supporting them in this decision will make it longer for them to realize it. Trust me, the dumper will have lots of second guesses and bad feelings when they have to analyze what is going on. I swear to that, especially if it was good relationship.


Big hugs kid.... I am pulling for you

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It was a great relationship… but I think he's so sure of his decision that he will stick to it even thus he's missing me….. oh when do u guys think he'll start thinking?

Oh, I was going to send him a love letter… but I think it would be so desperate! I am so desperate thus! How can he not WONDER?

Oh days are just too long and nights are my enemies!

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Do not send the letter... When going through NC hours seem like days... then your head starts racing why do they not care, etc... They do care, they do miss you, but this was his decsion, he will do what it takes not to admit it was a bad decsion. When, will he go through this... who knows but he will. You will hear from him again. You have to start living for you. Listen to me, I think of my ex all the time and I know it is over between us, but just try. Get together with some friends anything you have to do....

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I am very pissed OFF........Oh trust me... he knows how much i am mad and HATE him...well thats' what he thinks... but I want him to regret what he did!

I'm 24 years old...I know I should be smarter and not let this stupid guy kill me... but we've had 4 great years..... do u think he'll regret it one day?

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