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What is love?

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I have a question for all the romantics out there.

What is your definition of love?


Im interested to hear what other people think about it.


Mine: Love means to have someone that you love to be with. Someone who you could talk to for hours. Someone who you could sit next to for an hour, and not say anything. Someone who could look into your eyes and not say anything, but you would know exactly what they are thinking.

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Mine is like yours. Love to me is-you could talk for hours upon hours and never run out of anything to say. Or never say a word and feel like you said so much. When they're always on your mind and you are always on theirs. Not only are they your love but a friend too. You can go to them when you feel like you have nobody else, and they listen. They respect you, make you smile and when you are having a bad day just seeing them or hearing their voice changes your whole day.



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mine is subject to change, but at the moment I would consider love to be:


Being able to imagine being with that person for the rest of your life:


Understanding their failings, but never tiring of their personality, both good and bad parts. Enjoying their company, and being comfortable in the knowledge that even when they aren't with you (because everyone needs space) they will be there again soon. Feeling truly compatible with a person - emotionally, mentally, sexually. Being able to communicate really well.


I could go on all night...I'm in love!


- sprkal

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My definition of love is having someone that you would do anything for and give up everything just so they can be happy. Someone you could stare into the eyes of and feel like the happiest person alive. Someone you can put your arms around and hold tight and know that no matter happened you know you would always be there for each other and to have someone that no matter how bad things got, you know they are worth fighting for and that no matter how long you are together it is never long enough.


That's how I feel about my G/F

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I really like the post that said when you have a bad day the person you love and loves you can make you smile, you can feel thier love even through sad or mad emotions, and that they respect you and you respect them, so important.


that is awesome!


I know that love is something like a flower, it grows when you tend to it, it gets bigger and better over time, it comes in many colors and varieties, when the sun shines on it it opens up, sometimes a petal wilts but it will grow another one, when protected during a freeze it will come back to life when the weather gets better.



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Love? A deep and indescribable bond.

1.) It's when you look into your partner's eyes, and cry in tears, because you're happy, and you hurt when they hurt. The ability to feel their pain.

2.) It's when you allow yourself to walk in their shoes, to feel who they are, and to breath in their pain & heartaches.

3.) It's about sticking through the trying times, in which problems seem endless.

4.) It's about believing in your partner, and admiring them for all of the courage that they put up with daily life.

5.) It's about being the woman, who they confide in.

6.) It's about the true intimate bonding/friendship/kinship and deep understanding.

7.) Love is about sharing those meaningful moments, moments of saddness, depression, sttruggles, in order to rejoice in the happy moments. Moments that both partners realize that they've made it through the rough times, and can look back on their problems, laugh it off, and cry in tears, knowing how intimate they've grown together.


Some people think that it's impossible to describe the true meaning of love, but in actuality, I think that there are lots of ways that we can describe love. Love's about being able to open up, sympathize/empathize with the other person. If a guy can describe love to me, in detail, then I think that he's marriage material. Also, love shared between a couple, depends on 'chemstry.' It's either there, or it's not.


However, love isn't just shared among two romantic partners, but also amongst other people such as family, friends, strangers (IE homeless people.) It's that genuine sincerity, honesty, and respect. That warm vibe that people feel amongst each other. That's love, and that's the feeling that's worth living for. Especially, if we can come home from a stressful day from work, and share those tidbits of laughter and love amongst those who we care most for, and admire. (IE Kids, Grandparents, Spouse, Siblings, Bestfriend, buddy, aqcuaitance.) It's that fun-filled, joy and laughter, that fills up the air, a feeling of warmth, and unconditional care!


Nice Topic Dreng!



P.S.- One of my favorite mottos in life: Love is given, and not asked for! That's unconditional love for me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love is a miracle. When you're in love, everything about that person is a miracle. Every expression on their face, every breath you feel upon your skin, every word they speak... it's all a miracle. An indescribable perfection that means the world to you. They could be yelling abuse at you, and every word they're saying, no matter how hurtful, seems somehow beautiful when it comes from their lips. Everything about them is a dream come true. Every time they smile, you tingle. They're always on your mind and just the thought of their scent or their laugh is enough to give you butterflies. They can be everything BUT perfect, yet they are perfect in your eyes. They can be as far as you can get from a good thing but, to you, they are a miracle.


Love is amazing.

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