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how to get rid of that little pouch?

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I am not overweight, but started working out again to get in better shape.


Well, first I gained weight and felt huge, but OK I understand that concept, muscle weights more etc.


But I have that little belly pouch it just won't go away. Any good tips or exercise that has worked for you?

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Have you ever been pregnant? That can separate your abdominal muscles (or something like that). My stepmom had a minor surgery repairing that after she had my brothers.


If you were significantly overweight previously, it is possible that you now just have loose skin in that area, and there's really no way you can work that off. That would also require surgery.


Finally, even if you aren't overweight, it is possible that you just have more lipid tissue than you would asthetically like. I used to weigh 145-150 (at 5' 7") and though that is within the normal weight range & not considered overweight, it was impossible to get my stomach to look how I wanted it to at that weight. It doesn't matter how many sit ups you do or how strong your abdominal muscles are. You still have a layer of fat covering them & the only way to get the "thin stomach" look is to lose weight.


I try to stick to a low-cal diet to keep my weight down, I also do plenty of cardio & I'm trying to strengthen up my abs. I put weights on my wrists & put my hands behind my head when I do sit ups. Increases the resistance so they are more difficult than regular sit ups. I think my abs are stronger but I'm not sure if they look much different.

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I'm having the same problem. Everywhere else looks fine except the tummy, it looks like I have a lifesaver on me all the time.


Recently, I tried to do 30 sit up, 30 bicycle kicks and 20 side twist (the one where you put your feet in 90 degree angle and turn it to the side without moving your body) in the morning and night. It help reduced some of my fats.

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I got that issue too. Love everything else BUT my tummy. If I could lipo my tummy away it would be great!


The only thing that seemed to make an indent into my tummy was pilates, sit ups, and a cardio work out. Granted I am lazy and don't do them now but I have had progress in the past with those.

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pffttt...I weigh the least amount I have in a long time, and even when I am BELOW this I still have that issue! I carry it well, though. At least I do now. When I was even more overweight, I looked pregnant. It is nowhere NEAR as bad as it was before, but I still just can't get rid of it. The only way I can is to lose more weight. I am in the process of doing that right now, but it takes time. I am 5'6" and only weigh about 130lbs, but I still have a bit of a belly. The ideal weight for my height is 120, and when I was that, I STILL had a gut. I pretty much have to be rail thin before it goes away completely. I am just cursed. lol I have been at the point where I don't have a gut at all in my life, but I have to really watch what I eat. Sit ups don't do much good and I think I am allergic to exercise anyway. lol I am pretty good at watching what I eat and I am naturally small built, so I just have to keep that up a little longer and I think I can at least get back down to maybe 125ish. My goal is to be like I was when I was 22ish, though, because that is when I had NO gut at all. I even had a gut in my teens. Somehow, I just managed to lose it at one point and I don't really remember how. Anyway...I feel your pain! haha

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I don't exercise hardly at all, if ever, and I still managed to lose it at one point, so don't lose hope! I also LOVE eating healthy and organically, though. I am also a vegetarian. The more greens the better! I try and stay away from too much sugar, and when I do eat it, I eat organically. Like, organic chocolate and stuff. What you eat has A LOT to do with how you look. I just try and eat as healthy as possible and I feel great most of the time! I also walk a lot. and fast. lol I will power walk through the mall, or anywhere else I go. So, don't lose hope. As someone who has had this issue since I was a baby, I know it is possible to lose it and I don't even exercise. But that does help. Hike a mountain...do anything to be active. Also, getting enough sleep really does affect your weight, too. So, eat right, exercise if and when you can, and SLEEP! that is the best advice I can think of.

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Thanks for all the answers. I am at 140lbs and 5,7, and yes I have 2 children, which I lost all the weight from and had a tight tummy again. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks early this year even though I only had gained 2 lbs at that point I got that pouch, lost the weight now, but it just won't go away.

Walk everyday 2 miles (kids to and back from school), go to the gym 2x a week and even do almost daily all those workouts on youtube and some dvd's. Eating Ok, too - not super healthy but pretty good. Maybe I am just getting old, while I am killing myself ...haha

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Is it a pouch of flab or a sort of "solid" pouch, for lack of a better word? My housemate is super thin and still has a noticeable belly sometimes... for her, it's because she has digestion problems that cause bloating. However, if it is a flabby pouch, then tightening up your abs (if you are already at a healthy weight) could help to reduce that. You wouldn't be getting rid of belly fat, but you could help reduce the appearance of the pouch.

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Any core strengthening exercise will work in conjunction with reducing your caloric intake. It's true though that it could be the last stand for extra pounds.


so true. it just takes that last bit of extra effort. the last lbs are the worst. it seems like all the other fat just went away fast once you start into fitness. your body tries to hold onto some because it knows it doesn't have much left. keep at it and it will go away. try adding 5 minutes more cardio to your current routine. every little bit will help.

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