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Finding stuff to do over summer?


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School is over for me, my job closes with the campus over summer, I'm not going to be taking summer classes, and I'm directionless.


My past summers have been super unproductive. In high school it was mainly playing WoW all day, and the past two years its just been getting high and hanging out with friends. I've been trying really hard to stay away from weed because I'm tired of the stagnation, but that is still present because I suppose I haven't made much effort to change my habits. Like I've stated in previous posts, finding something enjoyable is hard when you're depressed as most of you can understand.


I really want to do something. I'm going to look for a job, but I have a feeling I won't be able to find one. I am afraid to dedicate myself to volunteer work, especially considering I don't know if I'll even like doing it, but I guess I need to try that. Doing anything is usually just boring to me, but I NEED to get myself into the habit of making myself productive. Anybody have suggestions for something I can do this summer besides: volunteer, musical instrument, classes, job?


And any advice on how to make myself be willing to get myself up and do things?

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Start volunteering. I know you said you're not looking for that but it's better than sitting home all summer. It doesn't have to be a huge commitment. A lot of places just require a couple hours per week. Either at an animal shelter or if you prefer to go the people-route, homeless shelter, nursing home, mentoring, there are countless NPOs you can get involved in! Check out United Way or something like that.

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Well if you are not planning on getting a job - I would suggest getting out and enjoying the sun as much as possible!


Usually I make my summers all about me, and get LOADS of physical activity (jogging, swimming, bike riding), tan and read books in the park, go on random road trips and take pictures of crazy things in small towns (think worlds biggest..) I also do a lot of reading. This summer I think I'll try to improve my golf game.


Hope that sparks a few ideas.

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What about some time in the gym? I guess if you aren't working, you won't have the income to pay fees, but you can at least start getting active on your own. Jogging, swimming, etc. Use all the free resources available to you.

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I'd bet that you could find at least 1000 different volunteering opportunities near where you live. Not only will it help someone (or some thing or some place), you'll meet other people like you and make new friends and maybe a girl or two;


you'll have something AMAZING on your resume, once you graduate and look for a job;


you'll have an opportunity to try new things and you never know where your epiphany on what you love to do is going to come from - it may not be the actual volunteer field, but within that agency, you could be doing computer work, yard work, working with kids, doing number crunching, driving people around, cooking, building stuff, filming...who knows?


it will do wonders for your self esteem, stagnation, and depression.

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Thing about the internship is I have NO clue what I want to do, and from what I've seen most stuff requires prior experience in the field.


Friend, do NOT rush yourself about what you want to do for the rest of your life! Internships, volunteer work and job placements are a good idea, as it lets you survey the workplace and see if you REALLY want to do this as a career.

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