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Why all the games? is he crazy?

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Yes I dumped him..why? because he was verbally abusive, he was mean and disrespectful ..he moved out and became bitter because I kicked him out, never looking at the reasons of why I did it. Since then hes been playing games with me for example last week he texted me saying “I hate you with a passion” I didn’t reply, his next text “why cant you be the way you need to be towards me” then when he sees I don’t respond he gets pissed says “idk why the eff im texting you blah blah” and then 30 minutes later he texted a whole text full of “I love you I love I love you I love you” this has been going on since the break up which will be a month on the 14th..meaning that he’ll go from texting me “you’re a b*tch, you’re not for me” and then he’ll txt me “I want to come over..can I come see you” and has actually shown up at my house .. Im not feedin into it and I dont want him bck, hes had to actually come over to get stuff of his so those have been reasons for him to come over


I don’t want him back because I see how unstable he is and how the whole time we’ve been broken up every single drama filled episode is caused by HIM which reveals why the relationship was the way it was. I wonder sometimes if he enjoys the UPS and DOWNS, If he likes calling me names and saying HORRIBLE things and then saying I love you and Im sorry blah blah..well this weekend , he pulled the last of his tricks he came over and my kids aunt by marriage was there because she wanted to talk to me about her ex(the kids uncle shes only aunt by marriage) he came in and he knew she was there and shes telling me about all the trouble her ex is getting into, I told her yeah I saw him with some strange ppl and I texted him to ask since when does he have an entourage..well my ex suddenly gets up and says Ill be back…(he was there to get his watch and other stuff but decided to sit down because she knows him and they were making conversation)



I get a text within seconds saying “ I don’t want to be around you and your family and hearing how youre texting them worried about who theyre hanging with that’s your life not mine, you have kids by another man and I cant deal with that you’re an overfriendly b*tch with kids and that’s too much for me “



I was baffled, we’re broken up..we were together for 2 years, he loved my kids, his family loved my kids. I don’t even have any relationship with my kids family, except for her and the uncle because he’ll bring his kids by to play with mine from time to time, hes known this for yearrrsssss!!!


So he said he didn’t want to talk to me again and I said OK FINE YOU ARE CRAZY AND IM GLAD YOURE NOT GONNA TALK TO ME ANYMORE..


Well the next day I started getting texts “ I need my watch b*tch”

I textd him “I dropped it off


He said GOOD Ill be in touch to get the washer next week.


I didn’t say anything else , then that night I started getting texts”

bring me my cd’


I didn’t reply


Next text “bring me that a**”


I didn’t reply


Next text “Bring me that a**”


No reply from me


He then texts

Im coming over.


I didn’t reply


My thing is..why are you this way? Why not just leave me be!!!!!

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He sounds like he's deranged.


Good thing you are in NC with him. Keep it that way. I think he is bitter about the breakup and trying to get under your skin any way possible.


Can you change your number so you don't have to deal with his craziness, or at the very least block him?

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Answer to your question, yes he is crazy.


I dont have any real advice for you except that you probably should cut off all contact with him... if you dont, the drama will continue. Tell him you are done with him, then really stick to cutting off the contact. And if he keeps showing up unannounced and unwelcome then it might be time for stronger action.

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ok i wanted to share that he owes me money, he text me 2 seconds ago "i got the $ for you" I said OK leave it in your mailbox Ill get it after work"


and omg he texted me back "I was just seeing if you were gonna reply, Im not giving you sh*t i said "ok"


omg he is CRAZY!!!

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Yep, this guy is not playing with a full deck. Abusive people tend to be all over the map when you are no longer dancing to their tune...they rage, they get nice and then rage again. In their mind they are in complete control and are showing dominance and control over the other person...but their mind is not dealing with reality...the reality is that their actions show just how out of control and pathetic they really are...they are too self-involved to understand just how unhinged they appear when they act out like this.

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ok i wanted to share that he owes me money, he text me 2 seconds ago "i got the $ for you" I said OK leave it in your mailbox Ill get it after work"


and omg he texted me back "I was just seeing if you were gonna reply, Im not giving you sh*t i said "ok"


omg he is CRAZY!!!


LOLOLOL no offense but I laughed. It's like a tv drama seriously...


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yes, I was thinking about doing that..I mean just to add more fuel to the fire hes texted me again saying "let me get it 1 last time" and when I didnt respond he said "dont you want your car charger?" I replied a firm NO.


hes trying to find excuses to come around..last night my mind was so disturbed after he said he was coming over that I couldnt sleep. I kept having nightmares so I got up at 2:45am and texted my mom and told her I was coming to sleep at her place so I could rest.


my friend told me he put up on twitter "i cant talk my self out of this 1" so he might get the clue and leave me alone... I hope...

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sounds jus l my ex ex (whos got BPD/NPD) ....and the only way to deal with it is to change ya number. trust me for abusive arseholes like these it is definitely worth the hassle


but you are feeding him by texting back even just the once...you have to be in the frame of mind to forget about ALL of your stuff hes got and collect all of his from your place, and dump it on his lawn


any further contact go to the police and report him, get that paper trail

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@1guygirl : I promise, without a diagnosis, I've known hes got Narcissistic tendencies, I never knew about NPD until I started googling the things he would do and Narcissism kept popping up...hes also told me before "ive got problems I know.." well let me tell you, I shoulda listened to him....

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^^if you truly believe that you've got to cut him off COMPLETELY. people like that don't just go away. it's sickening. i'd stop answering his texts and block his number, facebook, email, whatever means he had to get a hold of me.

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@1guygirl : I promise, without a diagnosis, I've known hes got Narcissistic tendencies, I never knew about NPD until I started googling the things he would do and Narcissism kept popping up...hes also told me before "ive got problems I know.." well let me tell you, I shoulda listened to him....


yeah if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then guess what....


i didnt get an official diagnosis either, and it would be unlikely since they can lie and weedle their way out of it with a therapist...the only diagnosis' come from the partner relaying the sh** in therapy!!


my exex also said his dr said he had BPD...not sure if thats true...but i dont doubt it....they tend to tell you fairly early on that not alls right..


thank your lucky stars you dont have kids to him...i do with mine and well...NOT GOOOOD


but id def get some therapy in when you can, cos they cause underlying damage which didnt help me in my recent broken relationship...so now im finally on wating list

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