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Hi All,


Please help me I am totally lost....


My husband and my self were having many problems and now we are kind of seperated. I was thinking to getting back together because of our 10 months year old son.


Out of the many lies that he told me, I just found out he was Bisexual. The moment I found that out i almost got fainted. He doesnt know that i know about this. I dont know what to do.


This is how I found it out, I saw a profile that he had put on netlog and there he had mentioned he was bi. Just to get this confirmed I crated a profile on netlog by as a guy who is also BI and who would like to start a relationship with thim. this is how i got it confirmed.


i dont have any problem with those who are bi and i hope noone will get offeneded by this. However, I just cannot believe that he lied to me on such a thing and dont know what to do now.


Please help me and your advices are very much appreciated.



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Well, you have your own feelings about bi-sexuality but some people don't care providing there is no infidelity involved while in a committed relationship. Do you think he was cheating while you were together?

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I'm so sorry that your husband cheated on you. That's something no one should have to go through because you deserve to be respected as his wife. What do you think you'll do now? Is he willing to go to a marriage counselor with you?

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My husband still doesnt know that I know about him being BI and having cheated on me etc...


Should i confront him on this? He lives with his monther these days and I live with my son. We hardly communicate and after finidng this out I am just totally lost and i have a heavy headache which doesnt go off.


Deep in my mind i want this marraige to work out as i dont want my little son to suffer cos of all these... To be honest i just dont know what to do.. i am so very lost...

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