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hi, i'm a 19 year old female who has never been on a date, or kissed or anything, i have no idea how to attract the attentions of a guy i like. i have been approaced by guys before, but not ones that i like. there is this guy at my job who i work with, and i have a major crush on him. i am talking to him, but i have no idea what the heck i'm doing. at first i thought everything was cool, that he was starting to look at me more as a gf than a friend, but i found out from some other coworkers that he flirts alot, and that he is currently chasing another girl. i think i may be getting some signals from him but i have no idea what the heck they mean. and i don't know what kind of signals i'm sending to him. a friend of his had given me his phone number and i told him that he said it would be ok if i called him and i have called him a few times, and we've talked but he has never called me back and i don't know what that means. at work we hang out alot cause its usally just the two of us working together and we do get close alot. a few times when he noticed that my name tag was crocked he would insist on fixing it for me, and considering that name tag is over my overabundant breast i think he might have just been "coping a feel" i don't know though, he is a really nice guy and really sweet and helpful, so it could have been innocent. anyway if you could help me please send me some advice. i am like so desperate for some advice

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Go for it with him! I was in almost the exact situation 2 years ago and there is one thing that I regret, not going after him. I let him slip through my fingers and he has been with another girl for a year and a half now. Ever since then I have always gone after the guy. I was 19 when I got my first kiss and I thought it would never happen. Go after him, ask him out, or just kiss him when the moment is right! Guys like a girl to make the first move, it takes a lot of the pressure off them. I know it is hard to make the first move or go after a guy when you are not experienced because you feel like you don't know what you are doing but kissing comes so natural that the guy probably won't even be able to tell that you don't have any experience. Good luck and go after him! I have come to the conclusion that I would rather be rejected and embarrassed for a week then regret something the rest of my life.

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I completely agree with the previous poster. The same thing happened to me, there was a guy I liked & didn't go after (I'm 19 now and it happened just this year) and I didn't know how to read signals and such and let it slip through my fingers. Now I want to hook up, although he's moving to England and I'll probably never see him again. It's better to be rejected than to think of what might have happened & regret it..


have fun..it may be stressful in the beginning, as everyone's always a bit nervous, but just think of dating/meeting guys as fun, like talking to a friend and it won't be as stressful.


See ya,




p.s. also just because he's supposedly going after another girl doesn't mean you have to automatically back off. He never told you that, and who knows, he might like you more & will drop the other girl, if there is one. Don't worry about hypotheticals, just go for it. That is going to be my motto from now on anyways

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