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Advice - falling in love with me but got scared?


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Ok, my boyfriend and I broke up several days ago. I feel so dumbfounded because everything was going extremely well. He fed me the line that he was falling in love with me and loved spending time with me, but he got scared.


The situation is that he leaves in August. He found a good job far away. After that he is applying to graduate school and it is uncertain where he will he heading. He is under a lot of pressure school-wise to finish his master's degree and apply for graduate school. I think he just didn't want to have a long distance relationship, and I guess I can understand because at this moment in his life there is a lot of uncertainty in his future.


But I still wanted to try to work it out, stay together at least until August... a few days ago he was telling me that he loved me and imagined what our kids would look like... we even talked about going to study together in the same city afterwards... and then BAM! He all of a sudden initiates the breaking up conversation... that he loves me but feels it wouldn't work out.


I just don't understand that if somebody really loves you that much how they could leave you! If he telling the truth? That he got scared of the future and the uncertainty? I can't imagine that is the real reason...


It just sucks, because I honestly thought everything was going so well... for once in my life I had a good relationship! Is it foolish to think that we would get back together? Should I be his friend or stop talking to him completely? I feel completely confused!

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