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I am mexican and my culture says that i am not soppose to have a boyfriend unitl my parents say that it is ok with them. I am 17 years old. I have been dating a guy for almost 4 months now ! My parents do not know about him! I told my brother that i liked this guy and he did not like the guy for me and told me that i could do better. that i did not know who i was getting into. And really me and my brother are not close close but we talk... i usually don't want to tell him what is going on with my life because he gets over protective and i don't like that (he is 20) He says that my boyfriend does drugs and that he has slept with too many girls and all this stuff. I know for a fact that he does not do drugs, and about the sleeping thing i think he already told me who at least the ones i wanted to know, i think it should be decion whether to accept him or not.

My parents don't like it when i give my cell # out, and they don' t know my boyfriend has my #!! He usually calls me at night and i occasionaly get to see him actually quite a bit! And my mom found out that he was calling me and that i don't sleep so i can talk to him sometimes! But what am i soppose to do if they don't let me do it during the day? And this morning my mom found out that he has been talking to me not neccessarly my boyfriend, and he is soppose to go talk to my parents about being with me but my mom found out and she told me that she didn't want him even near me or even talking to me! Ok i don't i should leave him just because my parents say so! And my mom judged him by what other people say about him not by what she really knows about him, she called him a male prostitute... She has never spoken with him. I know he isn't but i just don't know how to confront my parents!! I know what i have and i don't want to leave my house when i turn 18 just because of this!! I DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE CUZ THE STORY IS REALLY LONG BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK I SHOUD DO TO CONFRONT MY PARENTS?????

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Well... I would try telling your parents directly and calmly exactly how you feel about the situation. If that doesn't work and they still refuse to accept him ask yourself this:

-Is this guy worth causing this fude in my family?

-Is there a possibility that what my parents are saying is true?

-Should I listen to them?


Then you have a few options from there:

-Dump the guy and explain to him that your relationship would be too difficult and hurtful to maintain for the both of you.

-Continue to date him secretly (lots of stress!!!)

-Continue to date him not so secretly and see what actions they take to end it

-move out.


The options don't really look all that good.. but I would choose wisely. IF you continue to date him with out your parent's consent--depending on the type of parents that they are--they could hold a grudge towards you and your relationship could be really damaged (with your parents).


The thing is.. it is hard to tell sometimes if your family is being either overly protective or if they are just rightfully looking out for your best interest.


Take care!


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