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Semen exposure and pregnancy risk... what risks am I running

Bill P

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I am looking for some information and advice, I hope someone here can help.


My girlfriend and I wish to get married in the future, and are very much in love. We plan on having children and wish to stay together. However, we aren't ready or willing to be married or have children for a few more years. We do not have intercourse, but we engange in other sexual activites to make up for it.


I am curious as to an incident that occurred tonight. To make a long story short, during our sexual activity, semen was ejaculated and got onto my hands during the process. I wiped everything off with a towel, and then proceeded to perform oral sex on my partner. A few minutes went by, 7 to 10 I would suppose where I had my hands on her torso and body, but not near the vagina, and she requested that I insert my fingers. Without thinking, I did so, and then minutes later realized what I had done.


We stopped our sexual activity, and she went to the shower immediatley to wash off and get whatever was on the outside of the vagina off, though I realize that does little good for semen penetration.


So now we are left wondering the type of risk we are facing, and if this is something we need to worry about and make preparations. I understand that it was an unwise decision in the first place, and if we do not want a pregnancy, we should not be doing any sexual activity at all. But right now, I am just looking for some information, as in our risk level, how long semen lives when outside the body (like on hands), when to test for a pregnancy, and so forth.


If anyone has information they would like to share, I would appreciate that.

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Hey man. Personally I think you came to the wrong place. I think you and your wife should see a doctor. Though it seems to me that there is a low chance of pregnancy in this case, I have no idea, and no one else here will for sure either. You need to see a profesonal immediately. I hope the best for you.

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Although I do not know exact specifics, I know that the sperm would have still been swimming when you inserted your fingers.


If its any comfort, it takes a few sperm cells to fertilize the egg, I looked but could not find exact numbers. I'd say your pretty safe but see a doctor, nobody online can diagnose you.

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