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Major prob. My BF asked me to go a step further!

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He isn't a virgin so hes lookin for more.. He wrote it on a note if i would circle yes or no to it... I'm only 13 1/2 for cryin out loud! Yet he is 14.. I told him i didn't want to disapoint him.. I told him I think im way too young.. He seemed fine about it.. I just hope he doesn't break up with me to go to another girl.. What should i do? Lose my virginity to him at my age, or wait? In fact, I'm scared




Although i'll love him no matter what, and I hope he loves me too

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Never allow anyone to pressure you into something you don't want to do. This may sound harsh, but if he continues to press the issue after you have made your feelings clear, drop him. If he won't respect your boundaries, then he obviously doesn't care about you for the right reasons. Having sex is a big step in life and has to be when you are ready.

Just for my personal opinion, 11 1/2, 13 1/2, and 14 are all too young. You haven't even begun to live your life yet, don't make any decisions you are ready to make.

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whoa whoa whoa... 11 1/2 is WAY too young... 13's too young, 16's too young... There are too many responsibilities that come along with sex.. both you and your partner have to be ready for a lot of possible consequences. Have fun now, there's plenty of time for sex later. Don't EVER let him pressure you into something you're not ready for.

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I have talked to so many (young) women that have been so disappointed in 'making love' at young age. A lot of them wished they'd never gone there at that young age and I am talking age 15 here.


This guy is insane asking this from you. Even HE should understand that what he asked is wrong. For him ... but especially for you. Don't have yourself pressured into anything. To give you a clue: I was 22 when I lost my virginity!


Good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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Ummm T-girl if u dont want to you dont have to i mean your 11 years old and its just puppy love trust me you guys will not be together forever if thats all he wants to do is u know. Well then screw him. I mean im a guy but i would never pressure a girl into having sex if she didnt want to. Its up to you but your way to young wait until your fully comfortable to do it. Dont do it because you dont want him to break up with you if he really loves you he wouldnt force you to do something you dont want to do.


PS: The choice is yours.

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  • 2 months later...

I am a guy and I sort of pressured my ex-girlfriend into having sex with me. She told me she was worried if anything happened, so I respected that. We didn't have sex until she was completely ready for it. If this guy really likes you, then he has to understand the situation. You are scared and feel like you are too young. And you are too young. Think about it. Eleven years old and pregnant? How are people going to look at you...How are you going to be able to look at yourself? People who have sex at a young age usually all regret it. I don't think it could be too special at so young and having it be forced upon. Just think about your life Tgirl. You don't want to ruin things at such a young age. You have highschool and college to look forward too. Ha, trust me, you will be experiencing new things in the future. You don't want to miss out because of the one time you had sex. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. I hope you carefully think this through. I hate to see young girls in these situations. You have to make the responsible and mature decision. I know you will.

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  • 2 years later...

[x] yes


I think that 11 is way to young to even think about it. My girl friend teaches 5th grade and she saies even some of them are talking about it. Thinking back to my youth at that age, we never let it become a problem. I was too busy enjoying my child hood, And yes as a kid you want to hurry up and become a grown up, but as a grown up, I would love to just have a week of being a kid again where my biggest worry is if my best friend can say the night over, or whats for lunch.. any way. Its hard that that age to think about it that way. But just enjoy your child hood because once you loose it, its not coming back.

By the way, I was 19 when I lost mine, to the person I loved. ( after we dated for 3 years ) and were best friend for a lot longer that that

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OMG any guy who give you a note with a yes or no box should go kill him self


Who the hell asked someoen to have sex with them with a note with yes or no boxes


You beat me to this. Anyone that sends notes like this is not ready to be having sex. It is totally rediculous. Get away from this guy.

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Hey Hon,


Regardless of your age, you should never ever have sex against your will, whether you're 11 or 65: if you do it will be a horrible experience, not far removed from rape.


I don't believe in there being some kind of universal 'right' age to start having sex, but there is definitely such a thing as a right time for everyone, and you don't want to do it so this clearly isn't the right time for you.


As for being afraid of losing your boyfriend over this: do you really want to be with someone who has so little respect for your feelings? If he leaves you because of this he doesn't care for you at all, he just wants to have sex with whomever will give it to him.


big hug!

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