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stood up but happy about it


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Went on a first date with a guy on MOnday night. He was eager to secure a 2nd date and even discussed a 3rd for the weekend. I had to cancel the weekend plan because I later realized that taxes are due and I have to spend the weekend getting that done...1st priority.

I also, have alot of hesitation about seeing him a again.


So Wednesday we were supposed to see a movie. He did not contat me at all. I was honestly relieved.


Then this morning I awake to a text saying "I was sick yesterday. How are you?"


I have not responded, Would it be rude of me to just not respond and blow him off. I mean after all he stood me up yesterday.


It isn't my style to do that. Just curious what you would do. I would usually email and say sorry that I do not believe we are compatible..yadda yadda...

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So I'm guessing that you didn't really feel a connection to him? If that was the case and he blew me off like that, I wouldn't reciprocate his behavior. I would tell him the next time that we met that we don't seem to be compatable to each other. Blowing him off isn't going to say that you aren't compatable with him.

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Standing you up and then texting you with a dry "I was sick yesterday. How are you?" is really questionable. Why couldn't he text you early yesterday and tell you that he wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go out that night?

It doesn't seem very natural to blow you off then not say sorry about it yet ask you how youre doing like he's not concerned about how he treats you. Honestly, I'd just ignore his text and move on.

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I'd ignore it too. How sick was he that he couldn't send that one liner yesterday? And I'm with nadid, where's the apology? A statement of fact is no where near an apology for being stood up. If he feels he doesn't owe you an apology, you don't owe him an explanation.

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Maybe he wasn't too into you either since that is kind of a lame way to go about apologizing for selling out. I would just ignore it, but if he does ask again about your plans, I would give him a dry 'Probably best if we don't see each other anymore' type of response.

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Maybe he wasn't too into you either since that is kind of a lame way to go about apologizing for selling out. I would just ignore it, but if he does ask again about your plans, I would give him a dry 'Probably best if we don't see each other anymore' type of response.


I agree with this

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I once had a guy stand me up and then text me a 3 page apology, and I still didn't respond to him, so add me to the list of people saying to just ignore him. As someone else said he should've texted you yesterday and said he was sick, texting you after the fact is a big no no in my book!

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Also agree with the others, ignore. Even if you did like him, his behaviour was totally unacceptable. It's not like sickness stops you from sending a simple text. Then the lack of apology to boot... What an idiot! On to someone better!



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i don't understand what illness he could have had that prevented him from calling you or texting before the date to let you know he couldn't make it. i don't blame you for not picking up! i wouldn't either (and haven't when in your situation!)

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