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Definition of overweight and fat.

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I admit that I do not have their physical health in mind, only their appearance. "Overweight" to me means slightly fat, and "fat" means fat. "Obese" is the fattest.


Please don't worry though, there are lots of people who are overweight, fat, or obese and still very very cute, and I would date them in a second. It's really how pretty a woman is that matters to me, it's rather independent of shape.

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I consider the one on the far right to be fat, overweight, and unattractive. The middle one I consider to be a "normal" size, and I would go for the one on the far left the most.


To me, these girls just look like they have different frame sizes. the girl in the middle is probably as proportionately thin as the one on the left compared to her frame. Look at their calves and wrists. I would guess the girl on the left was a size 0-2 and the middle girl might be a 4. I think the girl on the right isn't obese. I think she has more in the boobs and hip department than the other girls - the way her waist nips in - her waist doesn't look dramatically larger than the girl in the middle. She doesn't appear "fat" to me. She looks average sized to me. I bet if you saw her in a curvy dress and the other two girls weren't there, you would just consider her busty/curvy. Definitely don't see fat roles on her My guess is that she's a size 6

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I consider the one on the far right to be fat, overweight, and unattractive. The middle one I consider to be a "normal" size, and I would go for the one on the far left the most.


I do not think the one on the far right is fat or overweight. She is not slim but not fat and she appears toned too. She's quite attractive. She is probably not considered medically overweight.

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What do people mean when they say someone is overweight or fat? Do you judge it based on their weight or how they look? How much fat is acceptable to you? you can post pictures of your limits if you want.


How they look usually, I guess? Just remember everybody has their own preferences and it's all subjective. Heck, I'm the polar opposite of blueman; I find the girl on the right in his picture the most attractive. The one on the left needs to eat more than 500 calories a day, IMO.

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Me personally I'd take the middle first, right second, and left third. I'd also consider none of them overweight, fat or obese.


As for the definitions...based on looks and not weight due to differences in height and other factors such as body shape/bone structure...


Overweight is when you have some noticeable excess fat. There's no definitive look for this, but you can be a heavier woman so long as your curves are still curves and not turning into rolls. There's a difference between curvy and overweight and that's your overall shape.


Fat is when there are obvious rolls and generally a noticeable gut. There is usually a noticeable amount of fat in the face, maybe a double chin but maybe not.


Obese is when your torso begins to creep toward being as wide as it is tall. There is usually noticeable fat on the legs, sometimes but not always in rolls. The arms generally start to look very chunky at this point.


Morbidly Obese is when you have trouble walking, breathing, your torso is almost always wider than it is tall, you have a double or triple chin, your arms and legs have fat rolls, and you generally have a heart problem or diabetes or high blood pressure (or all three at the same time!). You will die soon if you don't do something about your weight, and people generally make comments about your impending death, often behind your back.

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When someone is overweight, it means that they weigh more than what is healthy for their frame. It doesn't mean they aren't attractive. Overweight is about the number, not the aesthetics.


"Fat" is about aesthetics. You can actually be normal weight yet still fat. This is when you have no muscle tone and your shape is not pleasing. Such as people who have beer bellies with skinny arms. Still in their weight range, yet fat.

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one on the right is too big for me. left is waaaay too skinny for me. middle is just about right, but can use some toning and perhaps try to turn the kankles into calves. i like em fit, but not scarecrow skinny like the left. the middle and the right are very pretty though. i'm very picky.

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i'm with vicoria here, i wouldnt think any of those girls are fat at all. and now i'm going to walk away from this thread before i either say something terrible or get my own self esteem damaged here, cause seriously, some of these answers? wow and ouch. i'm still trying to find the "cankles" on girl number two, having been through two pregnacies with terribly swollen feet and ankles, i'd have been thrilled to death if my ankles had looked like girl number two there. see ya all, i won't be reading any more on this thread

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I admit that I do not have their physical health in mind, only their appearance. "Overweight" to me means slightly fat, and "fat" means fat. "Obese" is the fattest.


Please don't worry though, there are lots of people who are overweight, fat, or obese and still very very cute, and I would date them in a second. It's really how pretty a woman is that matters to me, it's rather independent of shape.


I'm with you on how you think and I'm not worried. I just felt like the definition people have of being overweight in real life and on internet forums seem to be different. So, I was just testing that out! I am in my healthy weight range and never been told in real life that I'm overweight or fat, but I'm very critical of myself and not just when it comes to weight.

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For me, it depends a lot on how I've seen the other person before. For instance, my little sister recently put on the freshmen 15. Is she fat? No. Is she even overweight? Not at all. But I saw her and thought, "Boy, she's getting a little chunky." A friend of mine and I were looking at pictures of Jessica Simpson last night. She's not fat, and I wouldn't think anything of her weight if I saw her walking down the street, but because I've seen her so thin, she now registers as "overweight" in my mind. I had a friend in college that I never thought of as fat... maybe a little bit "husky," but I wouldn't even have called her overweight. It wasn't until she dropped a lot of weight that I realized she actually had been overweight. It's really all subjective for me.

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one on the right is too big for me. left is waaaay too skinny for me. middle is just about right, but can use some toning and perhaps try to turn the kankles into calves. i like em fit, but not scarecrow skinny like the left. the middle and the right are very pretty though. i'm very picky.


kankles??? It looks like that she just has her leg turned. Hope you aren't serious...


I bet y'all be surprised when you find out the "big girl" is no larger than a size 8. Even funnier if she was a 6.

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I consider the one on the far right to be fat, overweight, and unattractive. The middle one I consider to be a "normal" size, and I would go for the one on the far left the most.


The girl on the right is fat? She's curvy but she doesn't look bad. I'd choose her over the girl on the left. She looks anorexic.

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When someone is overweight, it means that they weigh more than what is healthy for their frame. It doesn't mean they aren't attractive. Overweight is about the number, not the aesthetics.


"Fat" is about aesthetics. You can actually be normal weight yet still fat. This is when you have no muscle tone and your shape is not pleasing. Such as people who have beer bellies with skinny arms. Still in their weight range, yet fat.


You bring up an interesting point. To me though, I feel that there's a direct relationship between one's weight and attractiveness. However, I do agree that there are some within their norm weight range that aren't very pleasant to look at. I remember reading a study mentioning that during the time Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime body building days, his BMI would have indicated that he was obese, however he certainly was not. Just goes to show that numbers aren't everything.



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I consider the one on the far right to be fat, overweight, and unattractive. The middle one I consider to be a "normal" size, and I would go for the one on the far left the most.


Like others have said, the middle girl is the most ideal. She looks healthy. I would take the girl on the left over the right though. I personally wouldn't be comfortable being with a girl larger than me. I wouldn't say she's fat, but she could drop a few pounds.

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You bring up an interesting point. To me though, I feel that there's a direct relationship between one's weight and attractiveness. However, I do agree that there are some within their norm weight range that aren't very pleasant to look at. I remember reading a study mentioning that during the time Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime body building days, his BMI would have indicated that he was obese, however he certainly was not. Just goes to show that numbers aren't everything.



I know several very fit muscular guys whose BMI says they are obese. BMI means nothing to me.


Like others have said, the middle girl is the most ideal. She looks healthy. I would take the girl on the left over the right though. I personally wouldn't be comfortable being with a girl larger than me. I wouldn't say she's fat, but she could drop a few pounds.


I think that's essentially what it is. Skinnier guys are not comfortable with somewhat bigger girls, since they don't feel as manly and dominant.

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I think a lot of times when people comment about overweight and fat, there is a very heavy dose of subjective measuring going on as far as what that person has in their own head as the ideal weight/size/shape.


So in other words, unless it's a doctor or someone who has no vested interest other than health, seems basically useless to take in comments of other people about what is overweight or fat.


I've mentioned it a lot of times on this forum, but I love it so much and found it so interesting/enlightening reading a little book called "FAT: the anthropology of an obsession". Everyone should read it, IMO. It should be part of school health classes (and the health and physical ed. classes need to stop being slashed in schools).

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I think that's essentially what it is. Skinnier guys are not comfortable with somewhat bigger girls, since they don't feel as manly and dominant.


Ahh I think that must be a big part of it. There are always going to be plenty of exceptions (2 of my bigger girlfriends are with skinnier guys who just love big, curvy frames) but maybe part of the reason lots of guys on this thread are not picking the woman on the right is out of a preference for a woman smaller than themselves.

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"FAT: the anthropology of an obsession". Everyone should read it, IMO. It should be part of school health classes (and the health and physical ed. classes need to stop being slashed in schools).


Cool, I'm making a summer reading list. I'll certainly be looking for this title the next time I'm in the bookstore.

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Ahh I think that must be a big part of it. There are always going to be plenty of exceptions (2 of my bigger girlfriends are with skinnier guys who just love big, curvy frames) but maybe part of the reason lost of guys on this thread are not picking the woman on the right is out of a preference for a woman smaller than themselves.


That's basically how it is for me, I just don't find large women overly attractive. That's not to say that any woman whom is larger than me would be written off, rather my preference lies towards more petite figured women than say "fuller" women.

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So in other words, unless it's a doctor or someone who has no vested interest other than health, seems basically useless to take in comments of other people about what is overweight or fat.



well, that was my intention. To see what overweight or fat is in people's minds. obviously their opinion is not necessarily valid to me, especially since I think it comes more from an aesthethic perspective than health perspective. In fact, very skinny women look better than obese women, but are actually prone to more health risks than them!

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