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Do you enjoy sleeping alone or with partner?

coco chanel

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So, I was wondering if those of you in relationships prefer to sleep alone or in bed with your significant other? My bf and I have different work schedules so most of the time he sleeps on the couch. But I love to have him next to me at night but he acts like he doesn't like to sleep with me when he does decide to come to bed lol! Last night he put a pillow between us as a divider but I'm not studying that rascal oneday he may realize how lucky he is to have me by his side at night maybe not LOL! who cares...anyway let me know how you all sleep, seperately in different rooms for the most part or together in bed.

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I find that when he works nights, the first night I have to sleep alone, it gets to me..but then I get used to it. Then when he comes off night, I have to readjust to sleeping with him.

We have a giant bed, so we can sleep at either ends and not even touch each other if we wanted..but we're generally pressed up entwined in each other.

I definitely do prefer sleeping with him.

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Well with my old bf at the end of our relationship we was sleeping in different rooms and I hated it and I think that is part the reason we split up among other things. So now with my new bf its really important to me that we sleep in the same bed and i even like going to bed at the same time, which he doesn't always get or agree with, he thinks it silly and not always pratical. i don't think we sleep the best in the same bed but it wouldn't stop us doing it. I do think its nice to have the bed to yourself sometimes tho lol



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I find the part about the pillow divider a bit weird. I actually do prefer to sleep with my girlfriend but I find it more comfortable to sleep on a different bed, mainly because I don't go to sleep as fast as her and I move around a lot so I move onto the couch or another bed in consideration of her.

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I enjoy sleeping with my bf, although he's a fast sleeper and I'm constantly moving. Sometimes he has to hold me down in order for me to finally get some sleep and stop moving. I realize I fall asleep faster when he's next to me as opposed to sleeping alone.

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I don't mind sleeping with my bf in the same bed but he likes to hug me when we're sleeping. I don't really mind that either but it gets hot, because of our warm all-year-round whether (it's 34 degrees Celsius lately). So we have a compromise. He can hug me in spoon position and I sleep next to the fan. Haha.

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I'm a light sleeper so I don't get a very restful night's sleep when I am next to my boyfriend. He is probably more like you OP in that he gets upset to hear that I don't sleep well with him, but it has nothing to do with him!


We don't live together so we only sleep together sporadically. I'm hoping that once we live together I'll get used to sleeping next to him every night... Otherwise I'm going to be a sleep-deprived mess!

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I find the part about the pillow divider a bit weird. I actually do prefer to sleep with my girlfriend but I find it more comfortable to sleep on a different bed, mainly because I don't go to sleep as fast as her and I move around a lot so I move onto the couch or another bed in consideration of her.


Yes haha about the pillow being used as a divider he doesn't do this every night. But, he did it the other night because he was upset with me we were back and forth. He was complaining about the way I cooked the hot dogs I put some barbecue on 5 of them and didn't put barbecue on the other 5 because I figured he may not like them. However, he was still mad because he felt that the other 5 hot dogs with barbecue were going to go to waste because he didn't want them. Geez lousie ya can't win for losing. I told em I'm pretty sure there are some men out there who would love to come home to a clean house and some beanie weenies lol!! Why do men complain so durn much!

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Yes haha about the pillow being used as a divider he doesn't do this every night. But, he did it the other night because he was upset with me we were back and forth. He was complaining about the way I cooked the hot dogs I put some barbecue on 5 of them and didn't put barbecue on the other 5 because I figured he may not like them. However, he was still mad because he felt that the other 5 hot dogs with barbecue were going to go to waste because he didn't want them. Geez lousie ya can't win for losing. I told em I'm pretty sure there are some men out there who would love to come home to a clean house and some beanie weenies lol!! Why do men complain so durn much!


I'm a guy and I find that pretty cute when you said he did it because you had a fight xD.. anyway yeah.. you do things with the good intentions and still get kicked in the face for it, and yes coming home to a clean home would be nice although I'm not sure what beanie weenies are, they sound good. Anyway good luck with the sleeping & the pillows =)

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OP, I sense there are other issues going on in your relationship. He doesn't want to sleep next to you, he wedges a pillow between the two of you, he gets over the top angry over BBQ sauce on 5 hot dogs....it sounds to me like he has issues and he acts out in passive aggressive ways. How does he treat you in general?

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OP, I sense there are other issues going on in your relationship. He doesn't want to sleep next to you, he wedges a pillow between the two of you, he gets over the top angry over BBQ sauce on 5 hot dogs....it sounds to me like he has issues and he acts out in passive aggressive ways. How does he treat you in general?


Somebody is always trying to sense something wrong with somebodies relationship these days whats new anywho, he treats me well overall. I never said he doesn't "want to" sleep next to me I said we work different schedules therefore its hard for us to go to bed at the same time. However, he does get angry over small tedious things which makes me wonder whats going on with him. It does get frustrating and takes alot of my emotional energy that I could be using elsewhere. On the other hand when I talk to him about whats bothering him he says its nothing. It could be some things that I'm doing wrong or have done wrong in the past. This is my first relationship so I'm sure I have said things and done things I shouldn't have done. Personally, it could be the fact that he pays the bills because he makes the most money. And with my job I pay for the food and whatever he needs help with along with cooking and cleaning. Who knows I pray and ask God for direction because sometimes we can think its one thing and it could be something totally different. Relationships are hard work. Sometimes you hit a brick wall and you have to end the relationship and go a different direction. But, I don't feel the relationship is at that point.

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Well I don't live with the bf so normally I sleep alone. The few times that I have spent the night at his house have been alright but he has to sleep with the bathroom light on and he can't stay on his side of the bed. He inevitably ends up practically on top of me, plus he snores like a bear.


Nah, I rather sleep at home by myself.

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Wow its so amazing to see how many people actually don't have a problem with sleeping alone. I wonder if this has to do with being born into this world alone and not having to share your space in your mothers womb with anyone. If that makes any sense. Which leads me to wonder if twins have a problem sleeping alone?

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What is the problem with sleeping alone...it is not like there is something so horrifying and pathetic about it. If you don't have a partner you sleep alone and most of us without partners seem to survive quite happily without someone sharing the bed. When you go to sleep the idea is to recharge your body from all the stresses of the day. When you are lying next to someone your body is more aware and you are not as free to move around. Snuggling up to someone all night doesn't give your body the same relaxation and freedom to move as if you sleep alone....and don't get me started on snoring!

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I don't think sleeping alone is horrific, and I do it a lot! But I love, love, love going to bed with my S.O. I like when we fall asleep together, and I love when I'm half-asleep and drowsy, I move my foot to just barely touch his. I DEFINITELY need my space to sleep, but it feels so good to just have a toe or a finger touching him and knowing he is there with me. In fact, the absence of that is what has me troubled right now.

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I can never find a good way to sleep when I'm with my gf. She looooooves being held by me but I have trouble falling asleep that way... when we do share a bed, we both tend to get more sleep when we aren't cuddling at all with a decent amount of distance between the two of us.


Basically, I enjoy sleeping with my girlfriend... but I get a much better sleep when I'm alone. Our relationship is still fairly new, though, at 5 months, so this may change over time.

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I love falling asleep next to my boyfriend. It's like it sets the tone for having a happy sleep and waking up happy in the morning. I also like that if I wake up in the middle of the night, he often wakes up too and we have a brief sleepy snuggle before rolling over and falling asleep again.


I do really enjoy sleeping alone if he and I have spent the night together many nights in a row, but it's also a bit lonely.

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