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they went to movies..

they hang out 3-4 times a week or maybe more

the grl called to go out and pay for their date expnse(My ex is broke)

the go out for a ride...

Please help me here we broke off because i insisted soemthing more could be happening.. he accused me of beng unreasonable and insecure anf untrusting.I back out and he came running to me twice.. he always said he need space..often wiggle from his feelings...from a devoted man to a confuse guy.. we are in a long distance relatinship and this girl leaves near him.. he said she is just taking the place of being a companion and an intellectual person and said nothing will ever happen anf there is no attracton between them. but he seem to be controlled by her.. and he defended by saying she is just concern because she advised he should be not having relationship with me until he is with me in person..

Now we break up.. and its been a month actually.. at first he tried to bargain with me and say.. he want me to be there but not as a girlfriend ..and give him enough time ti figure out what he wants..like it would let him date other women while i am his gf..or "friend" i told him i cant be friend.. and if he wants to date me again.. i want to be dated exclusively...he didnt like my idea and we separated that way..he is soppose to be coming here in my country to retire and we already have plans but now it's over.. i still want him back.. but i am not sure to what level...please advice. we already send our goodbye letters and decided to cut off ties..thier is no second chance

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he said she is just taking the place of being a companion and an intellectual person and said nothing will ever happen anf there is no attracton between them. but he seem to be controlled by her.. and he defended by saying she is just concern because she advised he should be not having relationship with me until he is with me in person..


He's probably telling her the exact same thing about the relationship you have with him. He doesn't sound like he can commit because he's confusing himself between you two.

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If he's not willing to commit to an exclusive relationship then I'd kick him to the curb if I were you. He may just be confused but you shouldn't wait around. However, it's entirely possible that it's completely platonic. My best friend is a guy. We've never done anything intimate and have been friends for over 10 years now. We can hang out and even spend the night with each other and that's all it is. We laugh and joke and talk. Some people say that it's not possible to have that kind of relationship between a man and a woman but I'm here to say that they are wrong. Get facts before worrying too much. If he's being honest then he'll have absolutely nothing to hide.

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