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Ug, I am single... = /

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So I get word from my GF today that she wants to break up. I am moving in august. She loves me so much that she wants to end our relationship now to lessen the pain........ ok......


I've felt since about a 2 weeks ago her love and intrest sharply fell for me. 4 weeks ago, she and I agreed to sleep together. Everytime it would be good for me to come over to her place, she would always have something go wrong / happen at the last minute and cancel. So i kinda figured she might not be ready.


Then she goes to the movies w/ some of her friends while im at work last week. A friend of hers, some guy, and her go to the back of the movie theater to check to see if their friends left out that way. her friend quickly goes check around front and the guy makes a move on her. Worst of all, she doesn't stop him. Her friend pops back around and she says "im telling your boyfriend" Neither doesn't say anything to him really the rest of the nite. She tells me she didn't stop him and that she did like him before we met.


she knows how STRONG of a view I have on cheating. I forgive her only because ..... I dunno why lol. I just felt pity for her where I haven't others.... strange....


Anyways, I was just wanting to rant somewhere. Also, do yall think that makes any since. Ladies, if you loved some one SO much that youd dump them to save a bigger heart break when you know they are leaving in a few months? I am personally starting to think she allowed that kissing thing cause she thought I would dump her.


I would let this slide, but she is.... was marriage material. The way things are going, I doubt I could ever work back the trust.


( i tried to stop her w/o this strange break up, last GF did this and she totally regretted, just trying to see if anyone else has input)


Now to go drown my sorrows with some tequilla and some Elvis - HeartBreak Hotel

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Hey Sebulous.


I am very sorry and upset for what has happened. The two of you had come accross as a very strong couple, however, her actions recently contradict that impression completely.


I've got the impressions shes been looking to break up with you for some time, and you have also recognised this. However, for her to kiss another guy while shes still your girlfriend is not even girlfriend material, let alone marriage material. Its wrong to get back at you like that. Your a man with pride and respect and for her to give the excuse that 'she liked him before they met' is even more feeble; if i was in your shoes i would never have tolerated that.


But i guess its easier said and done, and if it wasn't you that was going to finish it after that incident, then she would eventually, so it was coming in the end.


Ladies, if you loved some one SO much that youd dump them to save a bigger heart break when you know they are leaving in a few months? I am personally starting to think she allowed that kissing thing cause she thought I would dump her.


This is where i can relate to you Sebulous. I recently broke up with my girlfriend recently because i too am moviong away in August, and because long distance relationships A) don't work, B) are not what i want considering my age. So thats what i told her, and the fact that i would rather it ended now then drag it on longer and increase the emotional attachment thus making it harder for both of us when the curtains eventually fall down in 2 months. Her response since she loves me soo much? She would rather be with me for the next 2 months and go through the increased trauma then spend the next 2 months pretending to be friends everytime we bump into each other. So here we are just enjoying the love and sex despite the acknowledgement that the relationship is already doomed.


So in effect my girlfriend has just answered your question. At least she has made it easier for you- you can go to the Heart break hotel now as opposed to 2 months time when you'll enter a new stage in your life.


However, I don't buy her excuse either. If she loved you soo much she would never have allowed another guy to kiss her while you two were still together, but even more so with the excuse 'i liked him before we met'. And if she loved you soo much i would have figured she would have made sure the two of you had made love at least once while you were together.


Everyone asks 'why' and 'how' questions after a break up Sebulous. I would ask you to let this one rest, close the chapter of this part of your life and get ready for the new one in 2 months time. She is now in the past, and its the future you should be looking at. This means getting rid of every evidence that suggests you two are STILL an item, and a good starting point would be to remove that picture of her in your signature. Little things like that hold you back from continuing the rest of your life dude. You are still very young like me, and will learn from this and many other girls who come and go in your life. So sit back and enjoy the ride, and don't think about her too much.


Good luck

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