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Ahh to hear the sound of her laughter in my ears..

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..would allay my worst of fears.



What's the best way to quickly and efficiently establish a humorous rapport with a girl (or person in general) I'm asking because sometimes in social situations (I have a summer class coming up, a few dates in my schedule) I find it hard to think of something humorous to say..most of the styles of humor here range from witty observations to light teasing to funny stories but NEVER simple practical jokes. Keeping that in mind, in what ways could I develop my humor better? Studying the ways of professional comedians never help because for the most part they write bios about themselves.


Basically with a humorous rapport I'm aiming to make the listener feel more at ease with me..I know that humor isn't EVERYTHING when there's also LOOKS, INTELLIGENCE, CONFIDENCE that also need to be considered within a person.

Could any of you guys help me out with suggestions? Thanks!

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I dunno dude. I think I'm a funny guy. I know what you mean about how just telling a joke isn't funny anymore, ya gotta think of a comment on the spot about what ur doing. Usually, I am just kinda random and I'm a little harsh when I make the comment, but it's funny and as long you say you were just messing around it's all good, but still hilarious.


I also find talking to women about sexual things is funny for them. I kinda beat around the bush about what I'm talking about, and just yell out stuff and it's just funny. Just tell the story, make a few pauses, a notion here or there, and break it loose.


It's all about having a good time. PM me if ya wanna know some of the stuff I do, like tomorrow should be funny with Memorial Day an all.

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Thats a tough one to do since you'll be acting. The best thing to do is to just be yourself and have fun. Act like you were with your boyz minus the obscene jokes.


I'm the funny type and I find what makes people laugh is not necessarily the content of your jokes, but the way you present them. Start conversations and smile while talking. She may even ask you what do you keep on smiling and you could respond with I'm just a happy guy...blah blah blah.



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I see exactly what your trying to do here and I do this often and it seems to work..but you must understand I am master when it comes to wit..you think i'm kidding try me..haha..It took me a while to get this way.


Like ok I'm a movie geek for real..I've seen alot of movies in the last few years and still do watch them..but one of the best movies that helped me master my wit was Airplane!..it is sooo funny you must watch it..Also watch Comedy Central's Standup shows along with jay leno, jimmy kimmel, conan o'brien, and lewis black..they can help you.


All I do is I go up to a girl and just make a silly remark about school or something just think of something funny about the teacher in the class or make a silly remark about the homework.


Its hard to explain this I guess being witty is just a trait but I've heard girls love it!



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I find situational comedy to be good and if you play on yourself that sometimes works. Like don't call yourself stupid or inadvertantly blurt out random obscenities lol, but if you only jokingly take small pot shots at yourself it isn't harmful and yet can be funny. I find that sarcastic humour works too but make sure it's not over the edge type of stuff. Day to day stuff can be great material like how it was when we had snow, rain, sunshine and thunder all in the same day. What superb weather!


I dunno what else to say, usually I have a very chandler like style of humour mixed in with my own little thing who I cannot think I relate to at this moment. And that works for me! the laddies love it!

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The best humour is always self deprecating. It never really works to laugh about other people. Also unless you are really comfortable with someone avoid sexula humour, if they are not into it it can be offensive and poeple can get really put off.

However if you know you are not funny at all, just be yourself, not everyone is funny.

Best of luck with it


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